
Do not deny generosity as long as you live, for

لا ترد البخل ما حييت فما

1. Do not deny generosity as long as you live, for
No stream has ever run dry since its source first flowed.

١. لا تَرِدِ البُخلَ ما حَييتَ فَما
فاضَ بِخَيرٍ مُذ كانَ مَورِدُهُ

2. Cultivate giving wherever you are, and never
Regret the money when you reap its harvest.

٢. وَاِغتَرِسِ الجودَ حَيثُ كُنتُ وَلا
تَندَمُ عَلى المالِ حينَ تَحصُدُهُ

3. No one is safe from blame behind his back
Unless there is one who praises him when he is gone.

٣. ما أَمِنَ الذَمَّ خَلفَهُ أَحَدٌ
إِن لَم يَكُن مِن وَراهُ يَحمَدُهُ