
With ears deafened and face contorted

ومسمع مستبشع المنظر

1. With ears deafened and face contorted
Harder than debt on an impoverished man

١. وَمَسمَعٍ مُستَبشَعِ المَنظَرِ
أَثقَلُ مِن دينٍ عَلى مُعسِرِ

2. How many a drinker has marked another
With musk from the aromatic ambergris

٢. كَم شارِبٍ خَطَّ شارِباً
بِالمِسكِ مِن نافِجَةِ العَنبَرِ

3. I'll never forget the day he came to us
With torn cheeks and perforated nose

٣. لا أَنسَهُ يَوماً وَقَد جاءَنا
مُخَرَّقُ الأَشداقِ وَالمَنخَرِ

4. So I said when I looked upon him
I reckon this one was in an army camp

٤. فَقُلتُ لِما أَن تَأَمَّلتُهُ
أَظُنُّ هَذا كانَ في عَسكَرِ

5. But he said no, I was at a despicable feast
Of meager fare and poor hospitality

٥. فَقالَ لا بَل كُنتُ في دَعوَةٍ
خَسيسَةِ المَورِدِ وَالمَصدَرِ

6. It was held by a lowly man who summoned me
I wish I'd been absent and hadn't attended

٦. أَحضَرَنيها رَجُلٌ سَفلَةٌ
فَلَيتَني غِبتُ وَلَم أَحضُرِ

7. So when I sang this one song
Unaware and unprepared

٧. فَحينَ غَنَّيتُ هَذي واحِدٌ
مِن حَيثُ لَم أَدرِ وَلَم أَشعُرِ

8. The people leapt up and grabbed my reins
Tearing out my hair by its roots

٨. وَاِبتِدَرَ القَومُ إِلى هامَتي
فَاِنحَلَقَ الشَعرُ مِنَ المَشعَرِ

9. Then I left happily drunk though untouched
By any wine, my eyes unmoistened

٩. فَرُحتُ سَكرانَ لَمّا نالَني
وَما التَقى طَرفِيَ بِالمُسكِرِ

10. And the crux of the matter, to summarize
Had I not risen and come to, I'd have seen nothing

١٠. وَجُملَةَ الأَمرِ وَتَفصيلُهُ
لَو لَم أَقُم قُمتُ وَلَم أُبصِرِ