1. Abu al-Suroor ibn Jureij, a young man
Has not been happy since he was humble
١. أَبو السُرورِ بنُ جُرَيجٍ فَتىً
ما سَرَّ مُذ كانَ لَهُ خِلّا
2. He was a Christian, but when he became
A Muslim, he forgot lowliness
٢. كانَ مَسيحِيّاً فَلَمّا غَدا
مُحَمَّدِيّاً نَسِيَ الذُلّا
3. And he stopped respecting the noble
Or seeing them having any merit
٣. وَصارَ لا يَرعى شَريفاً وَلا
يَرى لَهُ حَقّاً وَلا فَضلا
4. Vanity intoxicated his morals
So nobility and lowness departed from him
٤. وَأَسكَرَ الإِعجابُ أَخلاقَهُ
فَحالَ مِنها العُلوَ وَالسُفلا
5. Greetings from him ceased, so you would not
Hear a greeting of welcome or peace from him
٥. وَاِنقَطَعَ التَرحيبُ مِنهُ فَما
تَسمَعُ لا أَهلاً وَلا سَهلا
6. And most Muslims did not greet him
Rather they wished for his death
٦. وَالمُسلِمانِيّونَ لا سَلِّموا
أَكثَرَهُم يَسأَهِلُ القَتلا