
O rain that comes pouring down

يا أيها الغيث الذي

1. O rain that comes pouring down
And makes all hopes turn green,

١. يا أَيُّها الغَيثُ الَّذي
يَهمي فَتَخضَرُّ الأَماني

2. Why is the promise you made gone,
Effaced by procrastination?

٢. ما بالُ وَعدِكَ قَد مَحا
آثارَهُ كَرُّ التَواني

3. I swear by favors you bestowed
Unspoiled by any discontent,

٣. أَقسَمتُ بِالمِنَنِ الَّتي
لَكَ لَم تَكَدَّر بِاِمتِنانِ

4. That I am not here to reproach you
Before our hearts are tightly bound.

٤. ما جِئتُ مُقتَضِياً لَهُ
حَتّى التَقَت حَلَقُ البِطانِ