
O Abu Qasim, if after this

أبا قاسم إن أنت عاودت بعدها

1. O Abu Qasim, if after this
You ask me again about one whose ways you know,

١. أَبا قاسِمٍ إِن أَنتَ عاوَدتَ بَعدَها
سُؤالَكَ لي في أَمرِ مَن أَنتَ عالِمُه

2. The rainfall from my sky of affection will be scarce,
And none of your meadows will be watered by its clouds.

٢. تَقَشَّعَ قُربي مِن سَماءِ مَوَدَّتي
وَلَم يَسقِ رَوضاً مِن رِياضِكَ ساجِمُه

3. Are you not ashamed that a man should make me taste
The bitter fruit of his gardens that he feeds to others?

٣. أَما تَستَحي مِن اَن يُذيقَني اِمرُؤٌ
بِمُرِّ جَنىً لِلمَذائِقينَ مَطاعِمُه

4. Stingy he is, though his stinginess is hidden from you,
And you are one from whom his virtues are not concealed.

٤. بَخيلٌ وَلَكِن قَد خَفى عَنكَ بُخلُهُ
وَأَنتَ فَمِمَّن لَيسَ تَخفى مَكارِمُه

5. Had he deserved repayment I would have left him
The victim of biting satire whose sword never rests.

٥. وَلَو كانَ أَهلاً لِلجَزاءِ تَرَكتُهُ
قَتيلَ هِجاءٍ ما نَبا قَطُّ صارِمُه

6. But I gave my poetry its due
And did not fail to guard the pearl though I strung it.

٦. وَلَكِنَّني أَعطَيتُ شِعري بِحَقِّهِ
وَلَم لا يَصونُ الدُرَّ مَن هُوَ ناظِمُه

7. Never in this world was it sold cheaply for a ring -
Nor was the ring itself of any value.

٧. أَما باعَنا رَخيصاً بِخاتَمٍ
فَلا كانَ في الدُنيا وَلا كانَ خاتَمُه