
After peace has been made, O you whom I love

أمن بعد سلم الوصل يا من أحبه

1. After peace has been made, O you whom I love
Do not stir up war against me through anger

١. أَمِن بَعد سِلمِ الوَصلِ يا مَن أُحِبُّهُ
يُثيرُ عَلَيَّ السُخطَ حَرباً مِنَ الهَجرِ

2. Leave the sword of reproach sheathed between us
And do not force me to offer excuses through tears

٢. بِما بَينَنا دَع مُرهَفَ العَتبِ مُغمِداً
وَلا تُحوِجَنّي لِلتَدَرُّقِ بِالعُذرِ