1. A brother who is ungrateful for blessings,
His speech blind to the paths of gratitude.
١. وَأَخٍ لَيسَ شَأنُهُ شُكرَ نُعمى
لَفظُهُ عَن مَسالِكِ الشُكرِ أَعمى
2. He only praises the little out of chance,
Yet when the plenty comes to him, he blames.
٢. إِنَّما يَمدَحُ القَليلَ اِتِّفاقا
فَإِذا ما الكَثيرُ وافاهُ ذَمّا
3. Between praise and blame of him am I-
If he shows goodness, I do or don't comply.
٣. أَنا بَينَ الهِجاءِ وَالمَدحِ مِنهُ
إِن أَتاهُ بِرّي فَإِمّا وَإِمّا