
Tell the salty ones, what will improve you?

قل لبني الملح ما محسنكم

1. Tell the salty ones, what will improve you?
The first whose foolishness was neglected -

١. قُل لِبَني المِلحِ ما مُحَسِّنُكُم
أَوَّلُ مَن أُهمِلَت سَفالَتُهُ

2. Send him off with the vile, and do not
Underestimate him, for he has his needs.

٢. فَصَدِّروهُ مَعَ اللِئامِ وَلا
تَحتَقِروهُ فَفيهِ حاجَتُهُ