
O you whose concerned with the dye of his beard

أيا من غدا يعنى بحال خضابه

1. O you whose concerned with the dye of his beard
And collects darkness into his character

١. أَيا مَن غَدا يُعنى بِحالِ خِضابِهِ
وَيَجمَعُ مِن أَخلاقِهِ كُلَّ مُظلِمِ

2. To you no beautiful companionship comes
If you meet it with a scowling face

٢. إِلَيكَ فَما تَحظى بِوَصلِ مَليحَةٍ
إِذا كُنتَ تَلقاها بِوَجهٍ مُسَخَّمِ

3. And the youth you took was false and borrowed
Can you be pleased with youth bought for a coin?

٣. وَهَبهُ أَتى مِنهُ شَبابٌ مُزَوَّرٌ
أَتَرضى شَباباً تَشتَريهِ بِدَرهَمِ