1. When the Nile came to us from its depths
With a driver galloping full of vigor
١. لَمّا أَتى النيلُ لَنا مِن لُجِّهِ
بِسائِقٍ يَركُضُ مِلءَ فَرجِهِ
2. I roamed its winding paths
With its replacement and profit
٢. سِرتُ بِهِ في طُرُقاتِ خُلجِهِ
مَع فائِقِ بِدَلِّهِ وَغُنجِهِ
3. Its rhythm excites me with its clanging
And flowers amidst the ugliness of its songs
٣. يَطرِبُني إِيقاعُهُ بِصَنجِهِ
وَالزَهرُ بَينَ أَغاني قُبحِهِ
4. I drink what I must of its blend
A coal with hands safe from its heat
٤. أَشرَبُ ما لا بُدَّ لي مِن مَزجِهِ
جَمراً يَدي آمِنَةً مِن وَجهِهِ
5. It combines its fire and coolness
I did not blink relying on its ardour
٥. تَجمَعُ بَينَ نارِهِ وَثَلجِهِ
لَم أَرمشهِ مُعتَمِداً لِشَجِّهِ
6. Except for the hills of its stars in its mansions
So I tasted a time sweet to me from its essence
٦. إِلّا تَلالا نَجمِهِ في بُرجِهِ
فَذُقتُ وَقتاً طابَ لي مِن نَفجِهِ
7. Life is not flavored with the like of its flavor
Until when the night emerged from its darkness
٧. لا يُمرَجُ العَيشُ بِمِثلِ مَرجِهِ
حَتّى إِذا اللَيلُ بَدا مِن فَجِّهِ
8. One day I rode without hoping for its saddle
Nor did I turn my eyelid from its path
٨. رَكِبَت يَوماً لَم أَمَل في سَرجِهِ
وَلا ثَنَيتُ مُقلَتي عَن نَهجِهِ
9. Until dawn appeared to it with its treatment
So I rose happy with killing its trouble
٩. حَتّى بَدا الصُبحِ لَهُ بِعِلجِهِ
فَقُمتُ مَسروراً بِقَتلِ زَنجِهِ