1. O you with radiant forehead in the realm of time
How long will you look upon my affair?
١. يا غُرَّةً في جَبهَةِ الدَهرِ
إِلى مَتى تَنظُرُ في أَمري
2. Release to me that favor which I had
Suspended on the pillar of righteousness
٢. أَطلِق لِيَ الرَسمَ الَّذي كُنتُ قَد
عَلَّقتُهُ في ثَبَتِ البِرِّ
3. And urge your servant for its quick fulfillment
To one who gives good counsel in service and gratitude
٣. وَوَصِّ جَدواكَ بِتَعجيلِهِ
لِناصِحٍ في خِدمَةِ الشُكرِ
4. For I have only asked of you when pressed
By a relentless adversary of woe
٤. فَما تَقاضَيتُكَ إِلّا وَقَد
لا زَمَني خَصمٌ مِنَ الضُرِّ