
My sorrow is enough that I am tormented by longing

كفى حزني أنى أروع بالنوى

1. My sorrow is enough that I am tormented by longing
And that I rely without patience upon it

١. كَفى حَزَني أَنّى أُرَوِّعُ بِالنَوى
وَأَنّي بِلا صَبرٍ عَلَيهِ أُعَوِّلُ

2. If death could be bought I would buy it
For death would be easier for me than what I endure

٢. فَلَو أَنَّ مَوتاً يُشتَرى لَشَرَيتُهُ
فَلِلمَوتُ لي مِمّا أُقاسيهِ أَسهَلُ