
How many wars have we waged, their harms afflicting us,

كم بحر حرب نقعه آذيه

1. How many wars have we waged, their harms afflicting us,
Their foam like stars, a coat of mail.

١. كَم بَحرِ حَربٍ نَقعُهُ آذِيُّهُ
وَحَبابُهُ جُردٌ كَمِثلِ الأَنجُمِ

2. I threw myself into the deep from which
None emerges safely if he has not braved it.

٢. أَلقَيتُ نَفسي مِنهُ في اللَجَجِ الَّتي
مَن لَم يَخُضها ثابِتاً لَم يَسلَمِ

3. I left the slanderers drowned while I
Was wet by naught but my sword with blood.

٣. فَتَرَكتُ سُبّاحَ العِدى غَرقى وَلَم
يَبتَلَّ مِنّي غَيرُ سَيفي بِالدَمِ

4. Of what use is a freeman if doom ties him down,
With no savior but my hand, servant of the Generous Lord.

٤. ما لِحُرٍّ عَلِقَ العُدمُ بِهِ
مُنقِذٌ غَيرُ يَدي عَبدِ الكَريمِ

5. I make plain the unknown, an elucidator
Whose wisdom is not that of Luqman the Wise.

٥. أَبلَجُ الغُرَّةِ وَضّاحٌ لَهُ
حِكَمٌ لَيسَت لِلُقمانَ الحَكيمِ

6. If the Pharaoh of death comes, he comes
From my hands, with Moses' staff.

٦. إِن أَتى فِرعَونُ إِعدامٍ أَتى
مِن يَداهُ بِعَصا موسى الكَليمِ

7. He writhes at the height of heights,
Ambitions mounted on the stars.

٧. يَتَمَطّى مِنهُ في أَعلى العُلا
هِمَمٌ مُنتَعِلاتٌ بِالنُجومِ