
Of ample hips, slender waist

وظالمة الأرداف مظلومة الخصر

1. Of ample hips, slender waist
Ruby cheeks, lips of silver taste

١. وَظالِمَةِ الأَردافِ مَظلومَةِ الخَصرِ
عَقيقَةِ الخَدَّينِ فِضَيَّةِ الثَغرِ

2. She greeted me, a bride newly dressed
Adorned with beads of dew, the fairest

٢. سَقَتني عَروساً قَد كَسَتها زُجاجَةً
وَخاطَت لَها بِالماءِ طَوقاً مِنَ الدُرِّ

3. In a garden lost, by a cypress blessed
Swaying, its green locks caressed

٣. لَدى رَوضَةٍ تاهَت بِسَروٍ كَأَنَّهُ
وَصائِفُ صافَت في غَلائِلِها الخَضرِ

4. I regaled her with drinks, as was meet
Till in sweet drunkenness, we were both complete

٤. فَوَفَّيتُها بِالشُربِ ما تَستَحِقُّهُ
إِلى أَن تَوَفّاني بِها مَلَكُ السَكرِ