
My intention has carried me on its back

قد راح بي القصد على ظهره

1. My intention has carried me on its back
To a young man I'm incapable of thanking

١. قَد راحَ بِي القَصدُ عَلى ظَهرِهِ
إِلى فَتىً أَعجِزُ عَن شُكرِهِ

2. So he increased my good opinion of him
And repelled the schemes of despair against him

٢. فَزادَ في إِكرامِ ظَنّي بِهِ
وَرَدَّ كَيدَ اليَأسِ في نَحرِهِ

3. That kind brother who my
Branches of joy have leafed out from his righteousness

٣. ذاكَ الأَخُ البَرُّ الَّذي أَورَقَت
أَغصانُ أَفراحِيَ مِن بِرِّهِ

4. Since he started learning
His efforts in his matter have not been lacking

٤. لَم يَلقَهُ مُذ كانَ مُستَرفِدٌ
فَقَصَّرَت جَدواهُ في أَمرِهِ