
I do not forget my days, nor my pleasures,

لا أنس أيامي ولا أطرابي

1. I do not forget my days, nor my pleasures,
The days when I used to drag the tail of my youth,

١. لا أَنسَ أَيّامي وَلا أَطرابي
أَيّامَ كُنتُ أَجُرُّ ذَيلَ شَبابي

2. With those who, if you made a slip to them,
Stood firm and did not seek reprimand.

٢. مَعَ مَن إِذا حَمَلتَ عَلَيهِم هَفوَةٌ
ثَبَتوا وَلَم يَستَنجِدوا بِعِتابِ

3. A people, if the young man's words were sought,
The jewels of literature were presented to him.

٣. قَومٌ إِذا خَطَبَ الفَتى أَلفاظُهُم
زُفَّت إِلَيهِ جَواهِرُ الآدابِ

4. Wisdom has certainly prevented them from themselves,
There were tricks for him from minds.

٤. إِنَّ حِكمَةٌ مَنَعَتهُمُ مِن نَفسِها
كانَت لَهُ خُدَعٌ مِنَ الأَلبابِ

5. How much gloom of anxiety have they unveiled from me
With the light of the stars of the cups,

٥. كَم مِن دُجى هَمٍّ أَماطوى جُنحَهُ
عَنّي بِنورِ كَواكِبِ الأَكوابِ

6. Until I was afflicted by their nearness, so I was hit
By anxiety, which decreased a lot for my misfortune.

٦. حَتّى أُصِبتُ بِقُربِهِم فَأَصابَني
قَلَقٌ يَقِلُّ كَثيرَهُ لِمَصابي