
O questioner, listen as I describe my view,

يا سائلي ما الرأي إسمع وصفه

1. O questioner, listen as I describe my view,
From one whose determinations and opinions are sound.

١. يا سائِلي ما الرَأيُ إِسمَع وَصفَهُ
مِن مُرهَفِ العَزَماتِ وَالآراءِ

2. My view is to me a mental power,
Within a person, guiding him to matters.

٢. الرَأيُ عِندي قُوَّةٌ عَقلِيَّةٌ
في المَرءِ تُرشِدُهُ إِلى الأَشياءِ