1. Honey is sharp at the taste of its nature
And water is rock at the touch of its speech
١. الشُهدُ صابٌ عِندَ مَطعَمِ خُلقِهِ
وَالماءُ صَخرٌ عِندَ مَلمَسِ نُطقِهِ
2. A friend who finds it hard to part with a friend for his virtue
And esteems in his heart a friend for his honesty
٢. خِلٌّ يَعِزُّ عَلى الخَليلِ لِبِرِّهِ
وَيُجِلُّ في نَفسِ الصَديقِ لِصِدقِهِ
3. If you have not spent friendship on him
His friendship spent itself upon you for his honesty
٣. إِن أَنتَ لَم تَنفُق عَلَيهِ صَداقَةً
نَفَقَت صَداقَتُهُ عَلَيكَ لِصِدقِهِ