
O You who has abundant graces

يا من له المنن النواضر

1. O You who has abundant graces
And precious gifts that sparkle like gems

١. يا مَن لَهُ المِنَنُ النَواضِر
وَالأَنعَمُ الغُرُّ الزَواهِر

2. Grant us a gentle wind whose breeze
Is soft and whose cups are overflowing

٢. أَنعِم بِراحٍ ريحُها
نَدٌّ وَأَكؤُسُها مَجامِر

3. Among the gardens whose
Fruits are like jewels

٣. بَينَ البَساتينِ الَّتي
ثَمَراتِها مِثلُ الجَواهِر

4. For today is a day whose shade
Is as beautiful in the beginning as in the end

٤. فَاليَومُ يَومٌ ظِلُّهُ
حَسَنُ الأَوائِلِ وَالأَواخِر