
The one for whom I had shed my modesty visited me

زارني من خلعت فيه عذاري

1. The one for whom I had shed my modesty visited me
While my heart was on the verge of waiting

١. زارَني مَن خَلَعتُ فيهِ عِذاري
وَفُؤادي عَلى شَفا الاِنتِظارِ

2. So I sipped wine from his cheeks
Its excellence being it was without a veil

٢. فَتَرَشَّفتُ مِن ثَناياهُ خَمراً
فَضلُها أَنَّها بِلا خَمّارِ

3. And the darkness at dawn reveals a blending
Like the blending of reproach and apology

٣. وَالدُجى بِالصَباحِ يُبدي اِختِلاطا
كَاِختِلاطِ العِتابِ بِالإِعتِذارِ