
O clouds, gather and pour down rain,

أيا سحابا وبله هام

1. O clouds, gather and pour down rain,
And o spring, your plants grow lush.

١. أَيا سَحاباً وَبلُهُ هامِ
وَيا رَبيعاً عُشبُهُ نامِ

2. O brother of righteousness, some of which
Exceeds my need to know.

٢. وَيا أَخا البِرِّ الذي بَعضُهُ
يَفضُلُ عَن حاجَةِ إِلمامي

3. And who is the sea that steadily
Drowns me, its lies are overwhelming?

٣. وَمَن هُو البَحرُ الَّذي دائباً
يَغمُرُني آذِبُه الطامي

4. And who dressed me with his love as a boast
That drags behind and ahead of me?

٤. وَمَن كَساني وُدُّهُ مَفخَراً
يَنجَرُّ مِن خَلفي وَقُدّامي

5. And when I lean on him I never cease to be
Between honoring and obliging.

٥. وَمَن إِذا يَمَّتَهُ لَم أَزَل
ما بَينَ إِكرامٍ وَإِنعامِ

6. And who tomorrow will drag the train of glory
Between reverence and esteem?

٦. وَمَن غَدا يَسحَبُ ذَيلَ العُلا
ما بَينَ إِجلالٍ وَإِعظامِ

7. Welcome the feast day whose nearness
Is sweeter than water to the thirsty.

٧. اِستَقبِلِ العيدَ الَّذي قُربُهُ
أَشهى مِنَ الرِيِّ إِلى الظامي

8. And keep his due rights in caring for him
If you wish, with a cup or a chalice.

٨. وَراعِهِ حَقَّ مُراعاتِهِ
إِن شِئتَ بِالطاسِ أَو الجامِ

9. And live, o master, with delighted eye
Whose brightness among mankind is sublime.

٩. وَعِش قَريرَ العَينِ يا سَيِّداً
سُؤدُهُ بَينَ الوَرى سامِ

10. For you are one who, if he forges a link
Will perfect it through and through.

١٠. فَأَنتَ مَن إِن صاغَ أُكرومَةً
رَندَجَها مِنهُ بِإِتمامِ