
Better than those who never stood

خيرون ممن لم يقم

1. Better than those who never stood
To keep a promise, and were true,

١. خَيرونُ مِمَّن لَم يَقُم
قَطُّ بِوَعدٍ فَوَفا

2. Are turbid souls where virtues brood,
Though turbid still their virtues too.

٢. مُكَدَّرٌ لَيسَت لَهُ
سَجِيَّةٌ فيها صَفا

3. Yet make excuse for him; for he
Is last of all mankind in worth.

٣. فَاِرقُص لَهُ فَإِنَّهُ
مَن أَدبَرَ الناسَ قَفا