
Fold the conscience toward the good of that one and this one,

اطو الضمير على خير لذاك وذا

1. Fold the conscience toward the good of that one and this one,
And do not defile it with evil when you fold it.

١. اِطوِ الضَميرَ عَلى خَيرٍ لِذاكَ وَذا
وَلا تُدَنِّسهُ شَرّاً حينَ تَطويهِ

2. For man may ofttimes fold for his companion
Evil, and be given that which he intended for him therein.

٢. فَالمَرءُ رُبَّتَما يَطوي لِصاحِبِهِ
سوءاً فَيُعطى الَّذي يَنوي لَهُ فيهِ