1. People have never heard or spoken
Of generosity like my generous friend's
١. ما سَمِعَ الناسُ وَلا حُدِّثوا
بِمِثلِ فَضلٍ في أَبي الفَضلِ
2. When I ask him for help with my needs
He takes care of them secretly and promptly
٢. فَتى إِذا اِستَقضَيتُهُ حاجَةً
أَنجَزَها سِرّاً مِنَ المَطلِ
3. He is clothed in generosity, with hems
Unsullied by the dirt of stinginess
٣. قَد لَبِسَ الجودَ فَأَذيالُهُ
نَقِيَّةٌ مِن دَنَسِ البُخلِ