
I saw you with tattered clothes,

رأيتك بصاص الثياب مزوقا

1. I saw you with tattered clothes,
So I said to myself, I have found a free man.

١. رَأَيتُكَ بصّاصَ الثِيابِ مُزَوِّقاً
فَقُلتُ لِنَفسي قَد وَجَدتُ فَتىً حُرّا

2. I came to you with high hopes pulling me,
For something, yet you did not accomplish that for me.

٢. فَجِئتُكَ وَالأَطماعُ تَجذِبُ مِقَودي
لِأَمرٍ فَما أَنجَزتَ لي ذَلِكَ الأَمرا

3. So I was like one carrying an empty waterskin,
Its drippings were not seen from its wetness.

٣. فَكُنتُ كَأَنّي مُمحِلٌ شامَ بارِقاً
فَلَم يَرَ مَرقاهُ لِخُلَّبِهِ قَطرا

4. Or like one wandering, following his hopes,
Until he saw mirages which he imagined as a sea.

٤. وَإِلّا كَظامٍ طافَ رائِدُ لَحظِهِ
إِلى أَن رَأى آلاً فَقَدَّرَهُ بَحرا

5. So he continued to follow it and his condition worsened,
Until that wilderness became for him a grave.

٥. فَما زالَ يَقفوهُ وَيَزدادُ ما بِهِ
إِلى أَن غَدَت تِلكَ الفَلاةُ لَهُ قَبرا