1. O master, you turned away
Since praise was unpleasant to your ear
١. يا سَيِّداً ما ثَنى عِناناً
مُذ كانَ عَن سَمعِهِ الثَناءُ
2. Yours are the gifts you have reaped
Sweet when tasted by hope
٢. لَكَ العَطايا الَّتي جَناها
حُلوٌ إِذا ذاقَهُ الرَجاءُ
3. In you is harm and benefit
As if you were the illness and cure
٣. وَفيكَ ضُرٌّ وَفيكَ نَفعٌ
كَأَنَّكَ الداءُ وَالدَواءُ
4. May God grant me my request of you
For in you lies all I desire
٤. بَلَّغَني اللَهُ فيكَ سُؤلي
فَفيكَ لي كُلُّ ما أَشاءُ