
We are the people of miracles and wisdom

نحن بنو المعجزات والحكم

1. We are the people of miracles and wisdom
And the family of generosity and nobility

١. نَحنُ بَنو المُعجِزاتِ وَالحِكَمِ
وَأَهلُ بَيتِ السَماحِ وَالكَرَمِ

2. A people whom when hope fills them
Their generosity stands for it immediately

٢. قَومٌ إِذا الما الرَجاءُ يَمَّمَهُم
قامَ لَهُ جودُهُم عَلى قَدَمِ

3. The eye of the resident among them is reassured
From seeing the ugliness of nothingness

٣. تَأمَنُ عَينُ المُقيمِ بَينَهُمُ
مِن أَن تَرى قُبحَ صورَةِ العَدَمِ

4. If glory collects they attain it
Above what they rode of the zeal of ambitions

٤. إِن جَمَحَ المَجدُ أَدرَكوهُ عَلى
ما رَكِبوا مِن سَوابِقِ الهِمَمِ

5. So never swear by other than them, ever
For the lights will never be like the darkness

٥. فَلا تَقِسُم بِغَيرِهِم أَبَداً
فَلَن تَكونَ الأَنوارُ كَالظُلَمِ