
The virtuous have gained virtues that cannot be repaid,

قد نال خيرون خيرا ليس يكفره

1. The virtuous have gained virtues that cannot be repaid,
And my esteem for him grew as I recalled him.

١. قَد نالَ خَيرونُ خَيراً لَيسَ يُكفَرُهُ
وَزادَ في قَدرِهِ مُذ صِرتُ أَذكُرُهُ

2. A Coptic scribe who has naught to live on
But the scattering of his pages.

٢. كُوَيتِبٌ مِن بَني الأَقباطِ لَيسَ لَهُ
شَيءٌ يَعيشُ بِهِ إِلّا تَشَرُّرُهُ

3. Had I been in charge of the scribes as censor,
The first Copt I would have evicted was him.

٣. فَلَو وُليتُ عَلى الكُتّابِ مُحتَسِباً
لَكانَ أَوَّلَ قُبطِيٍّ أُدَرِّرُهُ