
On his birthday, his candle betrayed him,

غراب على شجرة الميلاد

1. On his birthday, his candle betrayed him,
So his tears hurried to light up the feast.

١. في عيدِ ميلادِهِ خانَتْهُ أَشْمُعُهُ
فسارَعَتْ لتُضِيءَ العيدَ أَدْمُعُهُ

2. As if his two eyes... were competing in loyalty to him,
Racing... and the fastest tear was the most loyal!

٢. كأنَّ عينيهِ ..في شوطِ الوفاءِ لهُ ..
تَسابَقانِ.. وأوفَى الدمعِ أَسْرَعُهُ !

3. A scissor lurked on the calendar page,
Plunging at the neck of the days, cutting them off.

٣. رَاعَتْهُ من صفحةِ التقويمِ مقصلةٌ
أَهْوَتْ على عُنُقِ الأيَّامِ تقطعُهُ

4. In the candelabra he saw his years as corpses,
Slain, so he leaned on a bier to bid them farewell.

٤. في الشمعدانِ رأى أعوامَهُ جُثَثاً
صرعَى فمال على نعشٍ يُشَيِّعُهُ

5. Music did not welcome him to fortify him,
Against time, nor did it stand to say goodbye.

٥. ما استقبلَتْهُ (الموسيقا) كي تُحَصِّنَهُ
ضدَّ الزمانِ ولا قامَتْ تُوَدِّعُهُ

6. If only the mirrors, after his features were shattered,
Could count the faces that spent the night deceiving him!

٦. ليتَ المرايا وقد شَظَّتْ ملامحَهُ
تُحصي الوجوهَ التي باتَتْ تُقَنِّعُهُ

7. On his birthday, his beloved was absent,
While his heart brimmed with elixir, intoxicating it.

٧. في عيدِ ميلادِهِ غابَتْ حبيبتُهُ
وقَلْبُهُ فائضُ الإكسيرِ مُتْرَعُهُ

8. It shook with a rebellion flaming up in his soul,
Yearning for a rose to suppress it with love!

٨. فاهتزَّ عن ثورةٍ في روحِهِ انْدَلَعَتْ
شوقاً إلى وردةٍ بالحُبِّ تَقْمَعُهُ

9. Yearning for a woman whose creed deemed
That passion for passion sanctions it!

٩. شوقاً إلى امرأةٍ أدنَى عقيدتهِا
أنَّ الهوَى للهوَى عَقْدٌ يُشَرِّعُهُ !

10. On his birthday... the memories crept
Like the steps of the clock's hands, incessantly stinging him.

١٠. **

11. He recalled the beginnings... no midwife greeted him,
To watch over destiny, no wet nurse suckled him.

١١. في عيدِ ميلادِهِ.. والذكرياتُ سَرَتْ
مسرَى العقاربِ لا تنفكُّ تَلْسَعُهُ

12. Weeping over his mother: Did the pain of divorce
Equal what the days now torment him with?!

١٢. طافَ البداياتِ.. لا أَشْجَتْهُ قابلةٌ
ترعى المشيئةَ.. لا أَشْجاَهُ مَرْضَعُهُ

13. On his birthday... a voice rumbled in his mouth,
But from the gut its source:

١٣. باكٍ على أُمِّهِ : هل كان أَوْجَعَها
في الطَّلْقِ مقدارَ ما الأيَّامُ تُوجِعُهُ؟!

14. "Unbridle my camel... I have a journey
To myself, whose wellspring in the depths is not yet dry!"

١٤. **

15. He roamed the unseen like a bird seeking
A bullet of consciousness to strike him down.

١٥. في عيدِ ميلادِهِ.. دَوَّى على فَمِهِ
صوتٌ ولكنْ من الأحشاءِ مَطْلَعُهُ :

16. The shackles of illusion kept suspending him
To the wind - how can the wind blow to slap him!

١٦. فُكُّوا عقالَ بعيري.. إِنَّ بِي سَفَراً
إِلَيَّ.. ما جَفَّ في الأعماقِ مَنْبَعُهُ !

17. He found life a shirt... riddled with holes,
So he kept mending it with meaning.

١٧. تبا لهُ طائراً في الغيبِ مُلْتَمِساً
رصاصةً من رصاص الوعيِ تصرعُهُ

18. He walked on suspicion in his soul, so
Legions of ants in his flanks marched after him.

١٨. مشابكُ الوَهْمِ لم تبرحْ تُعَلِّقُهُ
للريح.. أنَّى تَهُبُّ الريحُ تصفعُهُ

19. Limited of spirit by what his spirit
Bore for the earth, love, which it never ceased distributing.

١٩. ألفَى الحياةَ قميصاً .. والثقوبُ بهِ
شَتَّى.. فما زال بالمعنىَ يُرَقِّعُهُ

20. Nothing panicked him more in his darkness
Than a thought in the darkness of his head frightening him.

٢٠. مَشَى على ريبةٍ في نفسِهِ فمَشَتْ
جحافلُ النملِ في جنبيهِ تَتْبَعُهُ

21. If a pen straddled one of his fingers,
His finger would gleam with the brilliance of diamond.

٢١. محدودب الروح مِمَّا روحُهُ حمَلَتْ
للأرضِ حُبّا وما انْفَكَّتْ تُوَزِّعُهُ 

22. On his birthday... he still screams in
The wilderness of time, but none can hear him.

٢٢. لا شيءَ أكثر في ظلمائِهِ فَزَعاً
من فكرةٍ في ظلامِ الرأسِ تُفْزِعُهُ

23. He listens to his self attentively, as a convert
To a new religion, to the one who could convince him.

٢٣. إذا امتطَى قَلَمٌ إحدَى أصابعِهِ
تَأَلَّقَتْ ببريقِ الماسِ إصبعُهُ

24. I met him on the train of life, and our
First ribs intertwined there.

٢٤. **

25. A riddle seeking its meaning, and they converged
Like text converging with its author in longing.

٢٥. في عيدِ ميلادِهِ.. ما زال يصرخُ في
بَرِّيَّةِ الوقتِ لكنْ ليس تَسْمَعُهُ

26. I met him and we became one, dawn broke
Smiling on a lightning flash adorning it.

٢٦. يُصغي إلى ذاتِهِ إصغاءَ مُعْتَنِقٍ
دِيناً جديداً إلى مَنْ كان يُقْنِعُهُ

27. As if when we walked: I and I,
A river flowed, and the gurgling of water followed it.

٢٧. صادَفْتُهُ في قطار العُمْرِ وَالْتَبَسَتْ
هناكَ أَضْلُعِيَ الأُولَى وأَضْلُعُهُ

28. What is love? I said - Sum it up, he told me: A bell
In the heart we never learned how to ring.

٢٨. لغزٌ يُفَتِّشُ عن معناهُ وَالْتَقَياَ
كما التقَى في الشَّجَى نصٌّ ومُبْدِعُهُ

29. The train went on, but it has no eyes
To bend down to the blind track and lift it up.

٢٩. صادَفْتُهُ وتَوَحَّدْناَ معاً، وصحا
وجهُ السماءِ على بَرْقٍ يُلَمِّعُهُ

30. And whenever the space narrowed around us,
We'd seek refuge in a female expansiveness.

٣٠. كأنَّنا حينما سِرْناَ : أنا وأنا
نَهْرٌ جرَى وخريرُ الماءِ يتبعُهُ

31. A raven sighed at us, its darkness brimmed
With night... wherein a star disputes its position.

٣١. ما الحبُّ؟ قلتُ: وأَوْجِزْ قال لي: جَرَسٌ
في القلبِ لم نَتَعَلَّمْ كيفَ نَقْرَعُهُ

32. The raven said: Take from me the ceremonies
Of your grief, then do as I used to do.

٣٢. سار القطارُ ولكنْ لا عيونَ لهُ
يكبو على السُّكَّةِ العمياَ ونرفعُهُ

33. We said: Your tenderness has prolonged the road for us
Toward absence, so tell us how to return it.

٣٣. ولم نزلْ كلَّما ضاق المكانُ بنا
نأوي هناك إلى أُنثَى تُوَسِّعُهُ

34. He said: Plant a shadow behind you to guide you back,
For what shadow betrayed those who planted it on earth!

٣٤. **

35. We asked and he replied... we relegated the question to
A doubt, at times dispelling it, at times gathering it.

٣٥. سجا علينا غرابٌ ملءُ عتمتِهِ
ليلٌ.. يخاصمُ فيهِ النجمَ مَوْقِعُهُ

36. O how the end leaned with our arms
Toward farewell, but its arms could not help it!

٣٦. قال الغراب: خذوا عنِّي مراسِمَ كُمْ
في الحزنِ ثُمَّ اصنعوا ما كنتُ أَصْنَعُهُ

37. The train went on, and we declared mourning for it
Since the space of one of the riders dried up.

٣٧. قلنا: حنانيكَ قد طال الطريقُ بنا
نحو الغيابِ فحَدِّثْ كيفَ نَرْجِعُهُ

38. O driver of life... we reached our station
Of life... is there a fare we can pay?

٣٨. قال: ازرعوا خلفَكُمْ ظِلا يُدِلُّكُمُ
ما خانَ ظِلٌّ بِمَنْ في الأرضِ يزرعُهُ !

39. Stop at the first coffin you pass by,
There where we take off the shirt of time.

٣٩. قلنا وقالَ.. وأَوكَلْناَ السؤالَ إلى
شَكٍّ يُبَدِّدُهُ حيناً ويجمعُهُ