
My soul with the rope of loyalty I held

نفسي بحبل ولاء أحمد أمسكت

1. My soul with the rope of loyalty I held
Since I tied the knot of my heart firmly

١. نفسي بحبل ولاء أحمد أمسكتْ
مذ أحكمتْ بنياط قلبي عقدَه

2. That my duty of friendship is in them
I will not forget the reward of the message

٢. أنّي وفرضُ مودتي هي فيهمُ
أجر الرسالة لستُ أنسى عهده

3. Rather, my inner self still feels its passion
With the breeze of his remembrance, so it finds its coolness

٣. بل لم تزلْ كبدي تروِّح وجدَها
بنسيم ذكراه فتلقى برده

4. What can I say about distance relieved
From describing yearning in which I complain about its remoteness

٤. ماذا أقول على البعاد محرراً
من نعت شوقٍ فيه أشكو بعده

5. And all my pens, their tongues fail
To encompass describing him, so they limit him

٥. وجميع أقلامي يكلُّ لسانها
عن أنْ يحيط بوصفه فيحدُّه

6. But if the beloved asked my heart
It knew what was in me of what was in him

٦. لكن إذا سال الحبيب فؤاده
علمَ الذي عندي بما هو عنده

7. He is the pride of the honorable lineage whose
Sublime glory I prepared its preparation

٧. هو ذاك غرةُ جبهة الحسب الذي
لفخاره السامي أعدَّ معدَّه

8. From the clay of honor which from its purity
The Lord of the people created his father and grandfather

٨. من طينة الشرف التي من محضها
باري الأنام برى أباه وجدَّه

9. From the essence of the Divine generosity which
No creature but complains of its flow

٩. من معدن الكرم الإلهيِّ الذي
لا خلقَ إلاَّ وهو يشكو رفده

10. From the house the angels differ
To the truth it guides whoever sought its guidance

١٠. من بيت مختلف الملائكة الذي
للحق يهدي من تطلَّب رشده

11. From the spring of wisdom which refuses improperness
And issues from it while it praises its running

١١. من منبع الحكم الذي يرد النهى
منه ويصدر وهو يحمدُ ورده

12. From the family of revelation whom the Quran named
Lineage enough for it elevates their glory

١٢. من عترة الوحي الذين سما بهم
حسبٌ له التنزيلُ يرفع مجده

13. From those whom the gentle Patron honored
The height of the Imamate, made you its match

١٣. ممن بعطف علاهُم متضوِّعٌ
أرجُ الإمامة مهدياً لك ندَّه

14. From those who at the early time their voice
Flooded the heat of time and subdued it

١٤. ممن على أولى الزمان نداهم
غمروا به حرَّ الزمان وعبده

15. In every time from them a prophetic son
God combined moral virtues in him alone

١٥. في كل عصرٍ منهم ابنُ نبوَّةٍ
جمع الإله به المحاسنَ وحده

16. An individual who occupies the position of the prohibitory
And all of them do not occupy his position

١٦. فردٌ يسدُّ مسدَّ أرباب النهى
وجميعها ليستْ تسدُّ مسدَّه

17. And today Ahmad in his superiority
So think where you can find his match

١٧. واليوم هذا أحمدٌ في فضله
فاضربْ بذهنك أين تلقى ندَّه

18. His message came to me, so I said what
The heart lied not in what it saw to be his love

١٨. جاءت رسالته إليَّ فقلتُ ما
كذب الفؤادُ بما رأى لي ودَّه

19. And I looked to the ascension of his journey
In which by the night journey he attained his purpose

١٩. ونظرتُ في معراج رحلته التي
قد نال بالإسراء فيها قصده

20. When he walked determined on Al-Buraq swiftly
It brought close every distant horizon

٢٠. إذ سار مقتعداً براق عزيمة
قد قرّبت من كل أفقٍ بعده

21. And showed him of His signs what no human son
Can see even if he employed his effort

٢١. وأرتْه من آياته ما لا يَرى اب
نُ مفازةٍ لو كانَ أعملَ جهده

22. So he came narrating the excellent stories
Which nullified the jest of words in their seriousness

٢٢. فأتى يقصُّ محاسن القصص التي
قد أبطلت هزل الكلام وجدَّه

23. News of superiority which were inspired upon him
From the unseen secrets of eloquence in his possession

٢٣. أنباء فضلٍ هنَّ أوحى آيها
من غيب أسرار البلاغة عنده

24. I seek to address him with an inclusive description
In which his talents I address his glory

٢٤. أبغي الخطابَ له بوصفٍ جامعٍ
لهباته فيه أخاطب مجده

25. And I refrain from what I seek to do, confused
What can I say and I do not possess his passion

٢٥. وأعود عما أبتغي متحيراً
ماذا أقول ولست أملك وجده

26. For the dictionary to me is some of his gifts
So when can the dictionary encompass supplying his flow

٢٦. إذ عندي القاموس بعض هباته
فمتى سوى القاموس يشملُ رفده

27. And for me he has a work of the essence
Of generosity which the All-Compelling enjoined his praise

٢٧. وله لديَّ صنيعةٌ من معدن ال
جود الذي فرض المهيمنُ حمده

28. Pure white steel which etched
The splendor of his essence truly to my eye

٢٨. بيضاء صافية الحديدة قد حكتْ
بصفاء جوهرها لعيني ودَّه

29. And as if the luster of that lineage
To which through it his diffusion propagated its notch

٢٩. وكأنَّ رونق ذلك الحسب الذي
ينهى إليه بها أشاع فرنده

30. Sharpened as his tongue, so it is as if
In it the place of sharpness the hilt attached its edge

٣٠. مشحوذةً كلسانه فكأنه
فيها مكان الحدّ رُكّب حده

31. It tells the story of cutting off from the graceful one
In it the Prophet, his father, endowed his grandfather

٣١. تروي حديث القطع عن ذي رونقٍ
فيه النبيُّ أبوه أتحف جدَّه

32. Never has a nape seen in it a young man
Unless it remembered Dhu al-Faqar and its cutting

٣٢. ما قطّ رأس يراعةٍ فيها فتىً
إلاَّ تذكَّر ذا الفقار وقدَّه