1. It is ugly of you to be stingy
In bestowing your existence upon me
١. قبيحٌ بحقِّك أن تبخلا
عليَّ وجودكَ عمَّ الملا
2. And if another were to withhold it
It would be easy for my difficulties
٢. ولو أنَّ غيرك في منعه
يبيت لصعبيَ مُستَسهلا
3. Then I would be struck by the arrow of poetry
A lethal, lethal strike
٣. إذاً لأصبت بسهمِ القريض
مقاتلهُ مَقتلاً مَقتلا
4. And I would unsheathe my sharp saying
Severing joint by joint
٤. وجرَّدتُ من مقولي صارماً
فاحتزَّه مِفصلاً مِفصلا
5. But your dignity precludes what I have mentioned
For that does not befit your right
٥. ولكن أجلّك عمَّا ذكرت
فذاكَ بحقِّك لن يجمُلا