1. God had perfected her creation
I have vilified her for too long
١. كفأ الإِلهُ إناءها
دنياً أطلتُ هجاءها
2. Ask me about her, for I have killed
My own views with my experience of her
٢. سلني بها فلقد قتلتُ
بخبرتي أنباءها
3. And I have analysed her character
I have tested her faithfulness
٣. وحلبتُ أشطرها معاً
ومعاً مخضت سقاءها
4. And I know the places of her weakness
Confidently, I had assumed her happiness
٤. ولها مواضعُ نقبها
ثقةً وضعتُ هناءها
5. So now I speak if they examine
My experiences of her vessels
٥. فالآن أنطق إن سبرن
تجاربي آناءها
6. She's one I've known her nature
When I slipped up and followed her
٦. هي مَن خبرتُ طباعها
لما خطيتُ وراءها
7. And found her to be frivolous and little
I saw divorce to be her remedy
٧. فوجدت فاركةً وقل
تُ أرى الطلاق دواءها
8. So turn away from her, for she
Leaves hearts behind her
٨. عنها إليك فإنَّها
تدع القلوبَ وراءها
9. Do not intend to build with her or leave your sons to her
The fickle one has little
٩. لا تعزمنَّ بها البنا
ء ودع لها أبناءها
10. Loyalty or purity
The heart of all cunning
١٠. ذاتُ التلوُّن ما أقلّ
على الصفاء وفاءها
11. Has dipped them in its slyness
How many selves has she claimed
١١. قلُبُ الخدائع كلّها
غمست بهنَّ دِلاءها
12. With the charm of her beauty
Guile except that
١٢. كم أنفسٍ ملكت بزبر
ج حسنها أهواءها
13. People think her clever
With her, worries always creep
١٣. دهياءُ إلاَّ أنَّها
جهل الأنامُ دهاءها
14. Into souls, harming them
She hid the harshness of her betrayal
١٤. أبداً تدبُّ بها الهمومُ
إلى النفوس ضُراءها
15. From whoever softened to be her carpet
Like a snake whose bite
١٥. خبأت خشونة غدرِها
لمن استلانَ وطاءها
16. Doesn't hurt its charmers
A shrew called polite
١٦. كالصلِّ لكن لا يصيبُ
لديغها رقاءها
17. In manner, so leave the shrew
Do not expect joy with her, for how
١٧. خرقاء تُدعى بالصناع
يداً فدع خرقاءها
18. Many hands she has severed from hope
She sought to destroy your life
١٨. لا ترجُ نائلها فكم
قطعت يداً ورجاءها
19. So for whom do we want to build hers?
Today she enjoys her vanity
١٩. وبهدمِ عمرِك قد سعت
فلمن نريد بناءها
20. And tomorrow she treats its pain
No sooner do you praise her morning
٢٠. اليوم ترشفُ زهوها
وغداً تعالجُ داءها
21. Than you dispraise her evening
The home of calamities and customs
٢١. ما إن حمدتَ صباحها
إلاَّ ذممتَ مساءها
22. How grueling her struggle is!
Oh delicately nurtured one, as if
٢٢. دارُ الفجايع والروا
يع ما أشقّ عناءها
23. You never feared her harms
Do not seek survival through her
٢٣. يا ناعماً حتَّى كأنَّك
لم تخفْ بأساءها
24. For you know her mortality
And you've heard - but the best
٢٤. لا تطلبنَّ بها البقاءَ
فقد عرفت فناءها
25. Of what you heard were her calls
Oh sons she eats the minds
٢٥. ولقد سمعتَ وكانَ أف
ضعُ ما سمعت نداءها
26. Of the worn, her children!
Or haven't they quenched your thirst, they
٢٦. أبني التي أكلت بأض
راسِ البلا أبناءها
27. Who have drunk what she served?
She has folded up all the tentmakers
٢٧. أوَما كفاكم إنَّها
سقت الردى أكفاءها
28. And confused their purposes
And she has promised you good news so
٢٨. طوت المقاولَ كلّها
وتحيَّفت أذواءها
29. Time has worn out her splendor
And after the herald, she prolongs
٢٩. ولكم سعت ببشارةٍ
لبسَ الزمانُ بهاءها
30. Her wailing for him
And she called on you in Karima
٣٠. فغدتْ على إثر البشير
بها تطيلُ نعاءها
31. While death was her call
So she was entrusted a grave I see
٣١. ولكم دعتْ بكريمةٍ
والموتُ كانَ دعاءها
32. As the most private of her rooms
And I see the stillness of her tranquility
٣٢. فاستُودعت جدثاً أرى
منه أضمّ خباءها
33. And her chastity and shyness
And I see you in the house of nobility -
٣٣. وأرى الخفارة خدرها
وعفافَها وحياءها
34. How great is her consolation!
The sky has clouded over her
٣٤. وأراكَ في دارِ المكارمِ
ما أجلَّ عزاءها
35. Dimming its lights
And wept for she who poisoned
٣٥. مرضت له اليوم السماءُ
بكاسفٍ أضواءها
36. The innocent with her water
And the land shudders, hair-raising,
٣٦. وبكت لغلّة مَن بهم
سقت البسيطة ماءها
37. At its quaking expanse
Men of forbearance trembled at the death
٣٧. والأرض أضحت تقشعرُّ
بمرجفٍ غبراءها
38. Of she who dressed the world in blessings
The sun of time has been blinded
٣٨. رجَّت لوجدِ الممسكي
ن بحلمهم أرجاءها
39. To whoever improved its brilliance
Oh embarrassment of the world - why
٣٩. وعرا القذا عينَ الزما
ن لمن جلوا أقذاءها
40. Did you face its great ones?
And I have erred in my words - indeed,
٤٠. يا خجلة الدنيا لِما
لقيت به عظماءها
41. How little shame she has!
Or hasn't she followed the traditions
٤١. وغلطتُ فيما قلتُ بل
يا ما أقلَّ حياءها
42. Of the prophetic house, degrading them?
She loudly corrupted the sanctuaries of truth
٤٢. أوَما على دار النبوَّ
ة تابعت أرزاءها
43. Corrupting the core of its essence
How many days have passed whose winds
٤٣. صدعت بهنَّ حشا الهدى
صدعَ الردى أحشاءها
44. Blow away her possessions?
So there came a barren woman who shakes
٤٤. كم مرَّ من يومٍ نوا
يحه تعطّ ملاءها
45. Her land and her sky
She knocked on the sanctuary of the house that dressed the world in blessings
٤٥. فأتى بقارعةٍ تزل
زل أرضها وسماءها
46. A house in which the rightly guided opened with the seal of scholars
The Master Guide - more honoured
٤٦. طرقت حمى الدار التي
لبس الورى نعماءها
47. Than whoever sought its gravel plains
With him alone, the way of truth multiplied despite
٤٧. دارٌ بها فتحَ الرشا
د بخاتمٍ علماءها
48. The thronging of its enemies
He by whose continuance
٤٨. السيِّدُ المهديُّ أك
رم من وطا حصباءها
49. God has maintained its existence
The merit was not exalted
٤٩. منه بواحدها الشري
عة كاثرت أعداءها
50. Except by his wisdom being its achievement
He is the sign of God that dressed
٥٠. هذا الذي ببقائه
حفظَ الإِلهُ بقاءها
51. Guidance in its banners
The father of celestial bodies - no less, the shining
٥١. للفضلِ ما ارتفعت سماً
إلاَّ وكانَ ذكاءها
52. Stars dim to his brilliance
The lights of revelation that the eyes
٥٢. هو آيةُ الله التي
كست الهدى لألاءها
53. Of truth have never seen extinguished
And the holy souls - how little souls
٥٣. وأبو كواكبَ لا تضي
ئُ النيِّراتُ ضياءها
54. Offer themselves for his soul!
They are the caretakers of the faith whom
٥٤. أنوار وحيٍ لا رأت
عينُ الهُدى إطفاءها
55. God obligated its care
In their duty to love him
٥٥. ونفوسُ قدسٍ قلَّ أن
تغدو النفوسُ فداءها
56. Hearts have achieved their purity
They stretched over the world hands
٥٦. هم أسرةُ الدين التي
فرضَ الإِلهُ ولاءها
57. That do not refrain from generosity
And by their nobility the tradition overflowed, detailing its news
٥٧. ولها بواجب ودّها
صفت القلوبُ صفاءها
58. And by their Jaʿfar the despairing hopes have quenched their thirst
He by whom the glorious deeds unfurled their banner
٥٨. بسطت على الدنيا أكفًّا
ما تغبُّ سخاءها
59. And walked in a step whose morn
Turned the faces of the envious green!
٥٩. وسرت بفضلهم الروا
ة ففصَّلت أنباءها
60. What more can I say of a moon that returned the shine
To a world after oppression had dressed it in darkness?
٦٠. وروت بجعفرهم لحا
ئمة الرجاء رواءها
61. He brings capable leadership, enobled until
My devices were silenced by him
٦١. ذاك الذي نشرت علي
ه المكرماتُ لواءها
62. If I could then from the stars I'd compile his praise!
For he is the one in whose shade
٦٢. ومشى على قدمٍ غدا
وجهُ الحسود حذاءها
63. The world witnessed his compassion
And in him, troubles were driven back
٦٣. ناهيكَ من قمرٍ على ال
دنيا أعادَ بهاءها
64. Lest there be no relief from its affliction
And by his face the cloud on Muhammad was uncovered
٦٤. مِن بعد ما لبست لفق
دِ كرامها ظلماءها
65. And by his Husayn the world's eyes glimpsed light, he being their sight
The fair faced whose cheeks were crafted
٦٥. هو للزعامةِ صالٌ
شرفاً رقي علياءها
66. From the pride of pottery fashioned as raiment
In the grey, bitter winter the noble do not
٦٦. ما حيلتي فله منا
قبُ أفحمت شعراءها
67. Suffice it song
From a Doha it found in the water
٦٧. لو أستطيعُ إذاً نظم
تُ من النجومِ ثناءها
68. Of generosity its thirst quenched
Within it grew its branches that shade
٦٨. فهو الذي في ظلّه
رأت الورى استذراءها
69. The world in its generous cover
Oh sons of time, leave the Hashemite stars and their sky!
٦٩. واستدفعتْ فيه على
أن لا مُغيثَ بلاءها
70. Turn to them for the divine has returned their domain
Oh family served by the angels of heaven
٧٠. واستكشفت عنها بوج
ه محمدٍ غماءها
71. As fathers!
God sculpted from the mountains their towering heights
٧١. وعيونها بحسينها
رمقتْ وكانَ ضياءها
72. Were you to extend by your worth you'd extend its greenery!
Are you not those who exceed, in your glory, Juwza?
٧٢. بيضُ الوجوه غطارفٌ
نسجَ الفخارُ رداءها
73. The trustees of God's faith, the trustees of his creation!
Between God and it you are found
٧٣. في الشتوة الغبراء لا
تغني الكرام غناءها
74. His ambassadors!
A cloud of mercy travelled, sent by the Lord of the winds in comfort
٧٤. من دوحة وجدتْ بما
ءِ المكرماتِ رواءها
75. It travelled over the world adorned from Paradise in its water
It quenched a tomb from you
٧٥. نشأت تظللُ في الورى
أفنانُها أفياءها
76. Sealing thereby the honour of its caretakers
٧٦. أبني الزمان دعوا كوا
كبَ هاشمٍ وسماءها
٧٧. فيئوا إليكم عن عُلاً
لهم الإِلهُ أفاءها
٧٨. يا أسرةً خدمتْ ملا
ئكة السما آباءها
٧٩. فطر الإِلهُ من الجبا
لِ حلومَها وعلاءها
٨٠. لو تفرشون بقدركم
لفرشتم خضراءها
٨١. أوَلستم المتجاوزي
ن بمجدِكم جوزاءها
٨٢. أمناءَ دين الله سا
دةَ خلقه أمناءها
٨٣. بين الإِلهِ وبينها
وجدتكُم سفراءها
٨٤. ركبت سحابة رحمةٍ
من ذي الرياح رُخاءها
٨٥. وسرت على الدنيا من ال
فردوس تجمل ماءها
٨٦. فسقتْ ضريحاً عنكم
ختمتْ به أرزاءها