
She saw the gray hair in your temples and it annoyed her

رأت المشيب بعارضيك فغاظها

1. She saw the gray hair in your temples and it annoyed her,
And she turned away her gaze from you with a charming glance.

١. رأت المشيبَ بعارضيك فغاظَها
وثنت بذاتِ البانِ عنك لحاظَها

2. If Haifa had appeared to make you forget the world one day,
She would have preferred her guides and preachers.

٢. هيفاءُ لو بَرزَت لنسّاك الورى
يوماً لأحبى دَلُّها وُعّاظها

3. The pearls of Rym's neck tell Laa,
The words her mouth related were thousands.

٣. ريمٌ لئالئُ نحرِها تحكي لئا
لئَ ثغرِها اللاّئي حكت ألفاظها

4. Your gathering with the maidens was all-encompassing
In the days when your youth market was Ukaz.

٤. قد كانَ شملُك بالكواعب جامعاً
أيامَ سوقُ صِباك كانَ عُكاظها

5. So the eye of time became alert and separated
Your gathering with gray hair when it saw its awakening.

٥. فتنبَّهت عينُ الزمانِ ففرَّقت
بالشيبِ شملَك لا رأت إيقاظها

6. Their hearts softened towards you in youth,
And gray hair returned their hardness to you.

٦. رقَّت إليك قلوبهنَّ مع الصَبا
وأعادهنَّ لك المشيبُ غِلاظها

7. Leave those deadly flirts in their rejection,
How many young men whose glances have killed.

٧. فدع الغواني القاتلاتِ بصدّها
كم فتيةٍ غنجُ اللحاظِ أفاظها

8. And loudly declare your gift even if it is from honorable nobility
Who would break their bones out of anger towards you.

٨. واهتُف هُديتَ ولو من النبل العِدى
كسرت عليك لغيظِها أرعاظها

9. With praises of the beauty whose forefathers
Were keepers of the secrets of fertality.

٩. بمدائحِ الحسن الذي آباؤه
كانوا لأسرارِ الندى حُفّاظها

10. Bearing the burden of honors with ambition
That did not doubt since it rose with it the ignorant.

١٠. حمَّالِ ثقل المكرماتِ بهمَّةٍ
لم تَشكُ مذ نهضت بها أبهاظها

11. O you who restored the brilliance of achievements
So they shone and gave livers that preserve consciousness.

١١. يا من أعادَ النيّراتِ ضياءَها
فزهت وأعطى المخدراتِ حُفاظها

12. You ignited the fire of hospitality for your guest, its light,
And in your generous heart its flames blazed.

١٢. أوقدَت نارَ قِرىً لضيفك ضوؤها
وبقلب كاشحك اقتدحت شواظها