1. Wrap me in blame and unfold me,
Let passion reach where you cannot reach me,
١. اطوياني ملامة وانشراني
بلغ الوجدُ حيث لا تبلغاني
2. An ardor has possessed me, long yet brief,
Wherein censure falls short of curbing me,
٢. قد عناني جوًى يطول وفيه
يقصر اللومُ عن مردّ عناني
3. How is it my eyes did not turn white with grief
When they have become without a loved one,
٣. كيف عيني لم تغدُ بيضاء حزناً
وهي قد أصبحت بلا إنسان
4. Since the voice of bereavement talked in my hearing
I have left it screaming in the depths of my molars,
٤. إنَّ صوت النعيّ مذ خاض سمعي
خلته في حشاي غربَ سنان
5. And I have bitten my fingers in fury but
The stricken gains nothing from biting fingers,
٥. وعضضتُ البنانَ غيظاً ولكن
لا يفيد المكلوم عضُّ البنان
6. So excuse me if I have tied up my heart
With my hands and folded myself from what has pierced me,
٦. فاعذراني إذا ربطتُ فؤادي
بيدي وانطويتُ ممَّا دهاني
7. My heart has flown away in fright of my shock
So it persists fluttering,
٧. إنَّ قلبي من دهشتي طار رعباً
فغدا وهو دائم الخفقان
8. Stop blaming my molars’ depths
With the ardors’ wounds that have sufficed me,
٨. كفكفا عن حشايَ غرب ملامي
من جراح الجوى بها ما كفاني
9. Where is my patience to consent and appease?
My patience and consent today are dead,
٩. أينَ منِّي صبري لأرضى فأسلو
صبري اليوم والرضا ميِّتان
10. I, my blamers, know my own state,
So excuse me, whether I live or excuse me,
١٠. أنا يا لائميَّ أدرى بطبِّي
فاعذلاني ما عشتُ أو فاعذراني
11. Comfort me with the coolness of my soul, else
With what then can you comfort me?
١١. سلّياني بردِّ روحي وإلاّ
فبماذا عنه إذاً سلواني
12. Bring him today closer to me above the soil
Or bring me closer under the soil to him,
١٢. قرّباه فوقَ الثرى اليوم منِّي
أو فمنه تحت الثرى قرِّباني
13. Bury me then in his grave, else
Take me in my grave and bury me,
١٣. واقبراه إذاً بقلبي وإلاّ
فخذاه بقبره واقبراني
14. And next to my innermost self place him
Or next to his body place me,
١٤. وإلى جنب مهجتي وسِّداه
أو إلى جنب جسمه وسِّداني
15. For my life and his death are incompatible,
I could not manage that they come together,
١٥. فحياتي وموته رزآن
لم أقدّرْ عليَّ يجتمعان
16. But I imagined him alive and me dead
Or both of us alike held in two pits
١٦. بل تخيلتُ أن يعيش وأفنى
أو سواءً تضمُّنا حفرتان
17. I did not part from him a stranger but
He is my soul and I parted from my body
١٧. لم أفارقه أجنبيًّا ولكنْ
هو روحي وفارقت جثماني
18. We had spread affection between us for ages
But time has folded it—would that it folded me!
١٨. قد نشرنا ما بيننا الودَّ دهراً
فطواه الردى وليت طواني
19. Shut my eyes for as long as I live in fury
For after consent—upon whom do you open them?
١٩. غمّضا ناظري ما عشتُ غيظاً
فعلى مَن بعد الرضا تفتحان
20. And make my sighs burrow into my ribs’ hollows—
For whose affection do you make clear my loves?
٢٠. وزفيري ثقّف حنايا ضلوعي
فعلى ودِّ مَن تبين حواني
21. And time’s afflictions without you are my adversary,
So for you today I have uncovered my eyes,
٢١. وخطوب الزمان دونك شخصي
فلك اليوم قد كشفتُ عياني
22. Events have stripped me of my coat of mail,
With whom then can I beware the sparks of events?
٢٢. نزعت عنِّي الحوادث درعي
فبمن أتَّقي شبا الحدثان
23. For so long have I bent my time, and this
Is my time today, bent however it wished,
٢٣. فلكم قد لويتُ دهري وهذا
دهري اليوم كيفَ شاءَ لواني
24. To you I have resigned, oh woes of time,
My pride is gone—here, take my reins,
٢٤. لك أسمحتُ يا خطوب الزمان
ذهبتْ نخوتي فهاكِ عناني
25. My molars have been struck by a calamity that has toppled
An eye whose tears wildly race,
٢٥. قد أبانت حشايَ فاستهدفيها
نكبة طوَّحت ضحًى بأبان
26. Lying in wait for me from where I did not see them:
The eyes of the fates see me,
٢٦. راصدتني من حيثُ لستُ أراها
أعين النائبات وهي تراني
27. Hitting me from where I did not expect them
With the arrows of concerns and sorrows,
٢٧. فرمتني من حيثُ لا أتَّقيها
بسهام الهموم والأحزان
28. So today, oh twisting fates, I stand
An exposed target for whoever has shot me,
٢٨. فأنا اليوم يا نوائبُ كلِّي
مقتلٌ بارزٌ لمن قد رماني
29. I used to ward off your arrows from me
With my fingers—but where are my fingers from me?
٢٩. كنتُ قدماً أذودُ نبلك عنِّي
ببناني فأينَ منِّي بناني
30. The herald has announced his death to me; does he not know
That it is to me he makes his announcement?
٣٠. قد نعاهُ الناعي إليَّ أيدري
لا درى أنَّه إليَّ نعاني
31. So I reckoned the heart within me has become
Between my fangs a terrified snake,
٣١. فحسبتُ الفؤادَ منِّيَ أضحى
بين نابي ذي سورةٍ أفعوان
32. My soul yearns for the slain dove—
I have no hands for his defense,
٣٢. لهف نفسي على صريع حمامٍ
ليسَ لي عنهُ بالدفاعِ يدان
33. The planets in their bounty would have wished
To wash him with the tears of their eyes,
٣٣. ودَّت المكرمات لو أنَّ منها
غسلته بدمعها العينان
34. And shrouded with his bier in a luminous sea
He and generosity in it wrapped together,
٣٤. ومسجًّى بنعشه في حبيرٍ
هو والجودُ فيه ملتحفان
35. They carried him and every noble walked behind him
With blood pouring from their eyes,
٣٥. حملوه وخلفه كلُّ عافٍ
بدماء عيناه فائرتان
36. Saying, “Where is the covenant of hope?” My today
Is withered branches and barren trees,
٣٦. قائلاً أيكة الرجاء اظمأي اليو
م وعودي مصفرَّة العيدان
37. It has sucked away from you the water of generosity
With which branches were once irrigated,
٣٧. مصَّ منك الصعيدُ ماء سماحٍ
كنت فيه ريَّانة الأغصان
38. Wondrous is how his lightweight bier travelled
With the weight of benefaction and kindness—
٣٨. عجباً خف نعشه وهو قد سار
بثقل المعروف والإِحسان
39. But I see it has not become lightweight as it travelled,
Rather the angels of the Merciful carried it,
٣٩. بل أراه ما خفَّ إذ سارَ لكن
حملته ملائكُ الرحمان
40. People bid him farewell with sorrows
As houris of paradise came out to receive him;
٤٠. شيَّعته الأنامُ بالأحزان
والتقته بالبشر حورُ الجنان
41. Was the bier of any other dead ever so majestic?
The two realms mingled around his bier,
٤١. هل كذا جلَّ نعشُ ميتٍ سواه
اختلطا عند نعشه العالمان
42. Over him the soil has loved to remain
As all upon it expire and pass;
٤٢. وعليه قد ودَّت الأرضُ يبقى
ويرى كلَّ مَن عليها فان
43. Carry me to his burial ground, carry me
And make me stop at it and stop a while,
٤٣. فاحملاني إلى ثراه احملاني
وقفا بي عليه وقفة عان
44. Call me from behind the mound—I call him
The fearful call of the fervent bereaved:
٤٤. ودعاني خلف الصعيد أناديه
نداء المروَّع اللهفان
45. “Oh object of loss from whom I have lost
A cloud—whenever I said I thirsted it would give me drink”
٤٥. يا فقيداً فقدتُ منهُ غماماً
كلَّما قلتُ قد ظمئتُ سقاني
46. And, oh buried one, in whom I have buried a sword
That I had readied to do battle with time,
٤٦. ودفيناً دفنتُ منه حساماً
كنتُ أعددته لحرب الزمان
47. It sheathed it in soil so my hands failed me
And my support slipped and I confessed to loss,
٤٧. أغمدتْه في الترب كفِّي فشلَّت
فاتَ نصري وأبتُ بالخذلان
48. Elegy has preoccupied my speech about him
While my heart’s affection for other than him is but gardens,
٤٨. شغلت منطقي عليه المراثي
وخلا مِن هوى سواه جناني
49. Now whom shall I praise in eulogy
And whose love, oh whom shall I praise?
٤٩. يا تراني أثني على مَن بمدحٍ
وهوى من أحبُّه يا تراني
50. The vitalizer of praise-poetry has died; and were it not for his father
I would have said the tongue itself lies buried in his grave,
٥٠. ماتَ محيي الثنا ولولا أبوه
قلتُ في لحده دفنت لساني
51. That derives from his being of glorious traits
Transcending contexts of meaning,
٥١. ذاك منه صفاته الغرّ جاءتْ
في مزايا علاه طبق المعاني
52. Righteous in deed, preeminent in merit, succor of those seeking succor, rainfall of those seeking rain,
Godfearing and ascetic, devoting himself to God
٥٢. صالح الفعل راجحُ الفضل غوث ال
مستغيثين غيثُ أهل الأماني
53. With a heart filled with awe of Him,
Combining harsh protectiveness for religion
٥٣. ورعٌ ناسكٌ تفرَّغ للهِ
بقلبٍ من خوفه ملآن
54. In the way of triumph and softness of faith,
And with the glory of kings he wakes up revered
٥٤. جامعٌ قسوة الحميَّة للدين
انتصاراً ورقَّة الإِيمان
55. And sleeps in the lowliness of monks,
The truth of praise belongs to his sublimity—so say
٥٥. وبعزِّ الملوك يصبح مرهو
باً ويمسي بذلّة الرهبان
56. What you will of his magnificent repute,
Since the early days he is the best
٥٦. صدق المدحُ في عُلاه فقلْ ما
شئت في مجده العظيم الشان
57. Of whoever time’s feet have trod,
His hands have burdened the neck of time
٥٧. هو في الخيرِ من قديم الليالي
خيرُ مَن قد مشتْ به قدمان
58. So it has passed the night as his dependent;
And due to his aid throughout earth
٥٨. أثقلت كاهل الزمان أياديه
فأمسى عياله الثقلان
59. There is a goodly vestige everywhere,
He built in Karkh a house for dwellers
٥٩. وعلى الأرض كلّها من نداه
أثرٌ طيبٌ بكلِّ مكان
60. Where the foundations of that structure converged:
The streets lead to that door from all directions
٦٠. قد بنى للقِرى على الكرخِ بيتاً
والتقى أسُّ ذلك البنيان
61. As guests throng to him in drove,
Raising beneath the darkness of night for wayfarers
٦١. شارعَ الباب تلتقي طرقُ الأر
ض جميعاً لديه بالضيفان
62. The flaming wicks he prepares,
With hospitality he has prepared for the guest therein
٦٢. رافعاً تحتَ ظلمة الليل للسا
رين فيه ذوائبَ النيران
63. As many provisions as those knocking on his door,
Bounties that you see in the cradle of his generosity
٦٣. كرماً قد أعدَّ للضيف فيه
عدد الطارقين غرَّ الجفان
64. Time as an infant suckling milk,
Gratitude falls short of them, so how can
٦٤. مكرماتٌ تري رضيع سماحٍ
عندها الدهرَ لا رضيع لبان
65. Days reciprocate with any ingratitude?
I said to the sea, “Can you one day equal him?”
٦٥. شكرُها أعجز الأنام فأنَّى
قابلتها الأيامُ بالكفران
66. It said, “No—the two seas are not equal,”
And I asked the serpents, “Can you match his generosity?”
٦٦. قلتُ للبحر هل تساويه يوماً
قال كلاّ لا يستوي البحران
67. It said, “Where is the weeping man to the butchers?”
None can portray with the open palm of generosity
٦٧. وسألتُ الحيا أتحكيه جوداً
قال أينَ الباكي من الجذلان
68. Save the One whose high repute has portrayed him:
That servant of utmost benevolence who has ascended
٦٨. ليس يحكيه في سماحة كفٍّ
غيرُ مَن قد حكاه عزَّة شان
69. In nobility—fires fall short of him—
So they are the two most precious pillars of glory and repute
٦٩. ذاك عبد الكريم من قد تسامى
شرفاً حطَّ دونه النيران
70. And they are the two lasting pillars of dew and favor,
Whenever a glorious element has surpassed
٧٠. فهما فرقدا علاءٍ ومجدٍ
وهما ديمتا ندًى وامتنان
71. I find them driving its reins,
They were born luminous stars—they are comets of pride
٧١. كلما عنَّ مفخرٌ يوم سبقٍ
فيه تلقاهما شريكي عنان
72. Otherwise, streams of benefaction,
Equal in generosity they have outdone
٧٢. ولدا فتيةً همُ شهبُ الفخر
وإلا جداول الإِحسان
73. The youth with merit and righteous conduct,
The living sprouts from the folds of death through them
٧٣. متساوين في المكارم قد فا
قوا بفضل النهى على الفتيان
74. And brings back the remainder’s expired life,
No loss of consent, as that remainder lives on—
٧٤. ينشر الحيُّ من طوى الموت منهم
ويعيد الباقي حياة الفاني
75. Mustafa the openhanded, O objects of wishes!
Make his steps through you glide gently
٧٥. ما فقدت الرضا وذلك باقٍ
مصطفى الجود يا ركاب الأماني
76. To remove from him the heaviness of pacing upon mounts—
He is morn to days and fortune to nights,
٧٦. فرديه خفائفاً تصدري منه
ثقال الخطى على الركبان
77. Delight of fate and light of the times’ eye,
Which you receive from the scent of his praise
٧٧. هو صبحُ الأيام سعد الليالي
بهجة الدهر نور عين الزمان
78. And the fragrance of his chest’s perfumes;
And of mortals his smile is a full moon
٧٨. تتلقَّاه من شذا حسبيه
عطرَ الجيبِ طيِّب الأردان
79. As his palms shed dew and basil,
The most blossomed guide when a delegation wanders—
٧٩. ومن البشر في محيَّاه بدرٌ
وبكفَّيه للندى جعفران
80. His finger points the perplexed aright,
He whose reins are slackened in generosity, face is clear,
٨٠. والأغرُّ الهادي إذا حارَ وفدٌ
فسناه دلالة الحيران
81. Hands are open, and tongue is loose,
And his traits in the lofty horizon are comets
٨١. هو طلقُ العنان في الجود طلق ال
وجه طلق اليدين طلق اللسان
82. As he is among them—and they are his protection,
Trustworthy of piety—and were any trustworthy like an intimate
٨٢. ومزاياه في سما المجد شهبٌ
وهو فيها وصنوه القمران
83. In our time brought together, the two brightest?
—Pure of soul, pocket, and cloak, chaste
٨٣. وأمين التقى وهل ضمَّ مثلاً
لأمينٍ في عصرنا المشرقان
84. In private and openly,
Never soiled by sins’ dust upon him
٨٤. طاهر النفس طاهر الجيب والأب
راد عفٌّ في السرِّ والإِعلان
85. Are his hands through perpetuity,
And in the veracity of his accent he is like Abu Dharr
٨٥. أبداً في تقاه لم تتغبَّر
بغبار الآثام منه اليدان
86. Or Salman in Godwariness that portrays Salman’s wariness,
The hopeful Muhammad Hasan of beautiful face
٨٦. وهو في صدق لهجةٍ كأبي ذرٍّ
وتقوًى تحكي تقى سلمان
87. Where the veils over march away from his domain—
Stores of the glory’s oceans within him
٨٧. والمرجَّى محمدٌ حسنُ الطل
عة ينضو اللثام عن كيوان
88. Suggest they would pridefully surpass peers
O father of al-Mustafa whose forbearance anchors
٨٨. مخبراتٌ مخايل الفضل فيه
أن سيسموا فخراً على الأقران
89. In the encounter of woes more than the calm,
Your soul is of holy essence wherein
٨٩. يا أبا المصطفى وحلمك أرسى
في لقاءِ الخطوب من ثهلان
90. You have won the highest states of mystic knowledge,
And God has described your heart as being
٩٠. لك نفسٌ قدسيَّةُ الذات فيها
حزتَ أعلى مراتب العرفان
91. For piety—hinting in the ordeal’s verse;
And of the steadfast I see you in our time—
٩١. وصف اللهُ أنَّ قلبك للتق
وى مشيراً بآية الامتحان
92. God has named you in the Recitation,
As though were it said “Count them,” we would count you
٩٢. وأرى الصابرينَ في عصرِنا أنت
عناك الإِلهُ في القرآن
93. And refrain from bringing a second,
He means by the mention a collective
٩٣. حيثُ لو قيلَ عدِّدوهم عددنا
كَ ونعياً عن أنْ نجيء بثاني
94. But intends by the statement: you alone,
Empty from the heart the ardors of bereavement,
٩٤. هو جمعٌ أُريد بالذكر منهُ
واحدٌ وهو أنتَ عند البيان
95. O you who in merit fills the eye of time!
٩٥. فرِّغ القلبَ من جوى الثكل يا مَن
هو في الفضلِ ملءُ عين الزمان