
O one whose name was ransomed from slaughter

يا سمي الذي فداه من الذبح

1. O one whose name was ransomed from slaughter
God of heaven in great sacrifice

١. يا سميَّ الذي فَداهُ من الذبح
إلهُ السما بذبحٍ عظيمِ

2. The vigilant knower is the guide for those in His care
Who turned from his ancestors, the vigilant knower

٢. والحفيظُ العليمُ مَن في هداهُ
نابَ عن جدِّه الحفيظِ العليم

3. I came to you, O Hashimite branch, to gather from you
Good traits, aromatic like perfume

٣. جئت يا فرع هاشمٍ أجتني منك
سجاياً طابت كطيبِ الأروم

4. Yet you turned me from my hopes, recurring
Brought by the hand of foul time

٤. فعدتني عن المرامِ عوادٍ
جَلَبتها يدُ الزمانِ اللئيم

5. Your sorrows obscured you from me, O full moon
So I have many a glance at the stars

٥. حجبت بيننا شكاتُك يا بدرُ
فكم لي من نظرةٍ في النجوم

6. You are not the sick one, but my heart is
O your healing, God is the eye of the sick

٦. لستَ أنت السقيمَ لكنَّ قلبي
يا شفاك الإِلهُ عينُ السقيمِ