
O son of Imam al-Askari, the one

يا بن الإمام العسكري ومن

1. O son of Imam al-Askari, the one
Whom the Lord of the heavens chose for His religion

١. يا بن الإمام العسكريّ ومَن
ربُّ السماءِ لدينه انتجبَه

2. Is this how you turn away while you see
The fire of the pandemic blazing furiously?

٢. أفهكذا تُغضي وأنت ترى
نارَ الوباءِ تشبُّ ملتهبه

3. It will only be extinguished by a downpour
Of your kindness pouring heavily

٣. لا تنطفي إلاِّ بغاديةٍ
من لطفكم تنهلُّ منسكبه

4. Is your status too narrow for us, while indeed
Existence was expanded and you were its cause

٤. أيضيقُ عنَّا جاهُكم ولقد
وَسِعَ الوجودَ وكنتم سببه

5. Help us urgently, for no one
Can ever relieve those who call upon him except you

٥. الغوثَ أدركنا فلا أحدٌ
أبداً سواكَ يغيثُ مَن نَدبه

6. God was angry but you are His mercy
O God's mercy, precede His anger

٦. غضِبَ الإِلهُ وأنت رحمتهُ
يا رحمةَ اللهِ اسبقي غَضبَه