
The cautious one shines after the torchbearer

حازم يسلس من بعد الشماسِ

1. The cautious one shines after the torchbearer
Every matter that pleases him is hard to accomplish

١. حازمٌ يسلسُ من بعد الشماسِ
كلُّ أمرٍ راضَه صعب المراس

2. With intelligence, if intelligence aims for him
His inability would call him, come back hopeless

٢. ذو ذَكاءٍ لو ذكاءٌ رامَهُ
لدعاهُ عجزُه عُد بأَياس

3. He killed the days expertly, and for him
The light of experience is the finest source

٣. قتلَ الأيامَ خُبراً وله
قبسُ التجريب أسنى الاقتباس

4. If his opinions were forged into swords
They would cut through all they reached, even the foundations

٤. لو سيوفاً طُبعت آراؤه
لبرت ما أدركت حتَّى الرواسي