
The ages knew not, nor did their natures realize

درى لا درى دهر ذممنا طباعه

1. The ages knew not, nor did their natures realize
To which protector of faith their Lord would entrust their care?

١. درى لا درى دهرٌ ذممنا طباعَه
لأيِّ حمًى يا راعه اللهُ راعَه

2. And which Ali stormed forth to meet his inevitable fate?
My very soul has endured the suffering of such ordeals

٢. وأيّ عليٍّ ساقَ للنزع نفسَه
لقد كابدت نفسُ المعاني نزاعه

3. And piety crept amid the expanse of its chilling solitude
While the best on earth turned away from it in hordes

٣. وأُدرجت التقوى بأثناء بردِه
وأزمعَ خيرُ الأرض عنها زماعه

4. The night of Monday slipped away with its fleeting hours
To its warnings he lent an ear, listening intently

٤. مضت ليلةُ الاثنين عنه بواحدٍ
له في النهى مرأًى يفوق سماعه

5. Patience scattered its collected shards in a moment’s time
While sorrow marshalled its determined ranks in a show of solidarity

٥. تفرق شملُ الصبر ساعة بينه
وأقبلَ شملُ الهمِّ يبدي اجتماعه

6. The day whose morning was heralded by the light of dawn
With joy and merriment spreading their wings in celebration

٦. طوى يومهُ بشرَ الزمان بهاءه
بشاشته إبهاجه والتماعه

7. And left behind all that it lived for, now spreading its misery
Anew it weeps for its own bereavement and wailing distress

٧. وغادره ما عاشَ ينشرُ رزءه
جديداً فيبكي ثكله وانتجاعه

8. It cries, what strength of will does the eyelid possess
To hold back tears, or how far can the forbearing restrain their effusion?

٨. أصاح بماذا يملك الجلدُ جفنه
على الدمع أو ينهي الحليمُ التياعه

9. And which amulet might cage the fierce winds of fate
And contain the sting of sorrow deep within its resistant exterior?

٩. ويطرد في أيِّ الرقى ماردَ الجوى
ويحوي لديغ الهمِّ فيها شجاعه

10. And how could I restrain myself, when even those
Who bemoan their lot cannot adequately convey their woe?

١٠. وكيف وأنِّي والتماسَك والذي
به يشتكي كلٌّ أجدّ وداعه

11. Ask the faded necklace about the pearls torn from its thread
Does fate even know anymore where it has cast them aside?

١١. سل الحلة الفيحاء عن عقد نحرها
أتعلم منها الدهرُ أين أضاعه

12. Yes, it poisoned them, and death has bought them for a pittance
If only you could retrieve and reclaim them!

١٢. نعم سامه فابتاعه الموتُ بالجوى
ويا ربحها لو تستطيعُ ارتجاعه

13. Keep them shut awhile gently if you would preserve piety
In your hands, a lid not lifted lightly in some time

١٣. مغمّضه مهلاً أتحفظ للتقى
بكفّيك جفناً ما أعفَّ ارتفاعه

14. And wash it carefully, for it is the body of a noble soul
You turn over, none too gently wrested away

١٤. وغاسله رفقاً فمن جسد العُلى
تقلبُ جسماً ما أشقَّ انتزاعه

15. And curb it softly! Are you not infinitely more merciful
Than fate in its caprice, which robbed it of its sanctity?

١٥. ورادعَه طيباً ألست بناشقٍ
على جسمه طيبَ التقى ورداعه

16. Bear it forth in the bier, for only you now shoulder
The burden of its legacy, once its sole possession

١٦. وحامله في النعشِ دونك فاحتمل
به النسكَ إنَّ النسكَ كانَ متاعه

17. And lay it to rest in its grave, for piety desires
To sleep alongside its brother, drawing close in intimacy

١٧. ومضجعَه في لحده أضجع التقى
به فهو يهوى مع أخيه اضطجاعه

18. And mourn it sincerely, not just with tears alone
But with blood of your innermost being surging forth unrestrained

١٨. وباكيَه لا تبكي بالدمع وحده
بلى بدم الأحشاء مدّ اندفاعه

19. And console its kin, though words scarcely suffice,
So profound the sorrow, but does aching hearts ease?

١٩. وراثيَه إنَّ الكلام لضائقٌ
بعظم الجوى بل لا يضيق استماعه

20. Yes, though it leaves you hollow and wanting, such
Was the height of its glory, towering to the skies

٢٠. نعم إن غدت منه خلاءً فهذه
بقيته في المجدِ تعلو يفاعه

21. With its ambition, rising to the honor of highest place
And stretching to attain the most splendid goals

٢١. بهمَّته تسمو إلى شرف العُلى
وتبسط في كسب المعالي ذراعه

22. It has gone, that brilliant moon, and they are stars
Whose orbits it illumined with its radiant beams

٢٢. مضى وهو البدرُ المنيرُ وأنجموا
بأبراجه شهباً كساها شعاعه

23. The sweetest perfumes of honor have dissipated from its abode
And the scent of pride is diffused throughout its domains

٢٣. أطايبُ قد حلُّوا من العزِّ ربعه
فعطَّر طيبُ الفخر منهم بقاعه

24. So patience, O people of piety, though your grief
Has stripped bare what little solace the age afforded you

٢٤. فصبراً بني التقوى وإن كانَ رزؤكم
عرى الدهرُ منه ما أراعَ ذراعه

25. For you and for us, the seemly mourning of a father
Who brought happiness to the dew, spreading its moisture

٢٥. لنا ولكم حسنُ العزا عن أبيكم
بخيرِ أبٍ سرَّ الندى قد أذاعه

26. He is the rightly-guided Proof, on whose brow
A light appeared, adorning the throngs in their vigil

٢٦. هو الحلف المهديُّ من في جبينه
بدا للهدى نوراً يزين التماعه

27. And the guidance did not follow in his footsteps
Rather God ordained his great example be followed

٢٧. ولم يتبعْ الإقتداء به الهُدى
بلى أوجب اللهُ العظيم اتِّباعه

28. O Father of Sa'ada! If the eagles circling high
Could attain the lofty reaches of their nobility, they could not

٢٨. أبو سادةٍ لو حلَّق النسرُ طائراً
لنيلِ ذرى عليائهم ما استطاعه

29. For Ja'far is virtuous and good, and Muhammad
Is Hussein. Each bears his nature and character.

٢٩. فجعفرُ فضلٌ صالحٌ ومحمدٌ
حسينٌ حبا المهديَّ كلٌّ طباعه

30. Branches of a noble tree, watered at the root
To feed its glory, reaching upward for the sky

٣٠. فروعُ فخارٍ رشحتها أصولها
لمجدٍ تمنَّى المجدُ منه ارتفاعه

31. In them is honor enough, even if the nobles
Measured it in their valuations, to find it beyond measure

٣١. لهم حسبٌ لو كايلوه بنو العُلى
بأحسابهم فخراً لما كِلنَ صاعه

32. O Father of Salih! How many perplexities you have resolved
And ambiguities obscured beneath their masks brought to light

٣٢. أبا صالحٍ كم مبهماتٍ جلوتها
وملتبسٍ منها كشفتَ قناعه

33. The full moon of your countenance has darkened our stars
And in it we see the imprint of your radiance reflected

٣٣. سنا البدر قد أطفا سناك شعاعه
ونوركَ ذا فيه رأينا انطباعه

34. What is glory if not the pillars you erected to prop it up
And what is generosity without the skill you perfected in its practice?

٣٤. هل المجدُ إلاَّ ما رفعتَ عماده
أو الجودُ إلاَّ ما تجيد اصطناعه

35. Most wondrous is that any man of merit would presume
To surpass you, when the least of your gifts exceeds any other's sum

٣٥. وأعجبُ شيءٍ أن يطاول فاضلٌ
علاكَ ومنكَ الفترُ يفضلُ باعه

36. And how could your lofty eminence be constrained
When the proudest of your feats has broadened the horizons of possibility?

٣٦. وكيف الفضا في عظم فخرك لم يطقْ
أفخرُك قد أعطى الفضاءَ اتَّساعه

37. You return the excessive grants of the wasteful, unlike those
Who give but the smallest of gifts, only to demand them back

٣٧. تُراجعُ أعطاء الكثير ولا كمن
إذا هو أعطى النزرَ ودَّ ارتجاعه

38. You have devoted yourself to restoring the rift in the faith, preserving
What none other than you could from ruin and devastation

٣٨. سلمتَ لدين الله ترأبُ صدعه
وتحفظ ما منه سواكَ أضاعه

39. Ever the raincloud of kindness, its udders give milk
To the shrine of Ali, flowing and nursing in abundance

٣٩. ولا زلتَ غيث اللطف يمنح ضرعُه
ضريح عليٍّ درَّه ورضاعه