1. A breath from Arqam has silenced your tongues
Do you know who you are mourning or are you unaware?
١. قطعت لسانكم نفثةٌ من أرقمِ
أعلمت من تنعاه أم لم تعلم
2. How could you bear to turn his name around in your mouth
When even the eloquent's mouth is too narrow for it
٢. كيف استطعت تدير في فمك اسمه
ولقد يضيق به فمُ المتكلّم
3. O you who lament the spirit of life for all creation
Hold your tongue, you have no father, so choke it down
٣. يا ناعياً للخلق روح حياتهم
املك لساناً لا أبا لك واكظم
4. Curb it from lamenting the noble whose hearts have withered
So they are roused by the pain of a grievous lament
٤. رفِّه على موتى نبلت قلوبهم
فتنبَّهوا بسهام نعيٍ مؤلم
5. They are all together in the same grave in a cemetery
And together above the grave in mourning
٥. فجميعهم تحت الثرى في ملحدٍ
وجميعهم فوق الثرى في مأتم
6. Leave them be, for they have been satiated by the bitterness of their loss
And turn your lamentation towards the Imams
٦. دعهم فقد غصُّوا بجرعة ثكلهم
وإلى الأئمَّة في نعائك يمّم
7. And say peace be upon you, exemplars of piety
Whose features virtue's pardon has effaced
٧. وقل السلامُ عليكم دُرِس التقى
وعفتْ معالمه عفوَّ الأرسم
8. Today religion is the religion of Muhammad
Its pillars weakened by the loss of the Decisive
٨. والدين هدَّ اليوم دين محمدٍ
ووهت دعائمه بفقد المحكم
9. You had appointed him as evidence of guidance
A sign pointing to the rightest path
٩. كانَ الدليل أقمتموه على الهُدى
علماً يدلُّ على الطريق الأقوم
10. But now that the hand of evil has demolished him
People are left in wholesale confusion
١٠. والآن لمَّا طوَّحته يدُ الردى
غدت الأنام بمجملٍ مستبهم
11. I protected guidance for them like the rising of stars
That today cannot be clearly made out by the hopeful
١١. حميت عليهم للرشاد مطالعٌ
لا تستبين اليوم للمتوسّم
12. A pitch black darkness has descended on them
Enshrouding them for the Gathering in a gloomy night
١٢. غشيتهم سوداءُ أطبق ليلها
للحشر تلحفهم بليلٍ مظلم
13. O best of fathers, we have lost their blessedness
Your orphans mourn the loss of the gentlest caregiver
١٣. يا خيرَ آباءٍ فقدنا برَّهم
فجعت يتاماكم بأرفق قيّم
14. Wean their mouths, for who else but you
Can nurture them after the Most Generous Sustainer?
١٤. فطموا فمن لهم بدرَّة فيئكم
أن يرضعوها بعد أكرم منعم
15. Speak well, for the Imams did not neglect
Your children, so the needy's assumption would be spoiled
١٥. حسِّن مقالك ما الأئمَّة أهملوا
أبناءكم فيسوء ظنُّ المعدم
16. Indeed, the Imam al-Murtada busied himself with their affairs
And that is why he was called the First to Give
١٦. بل كانَ شاقهم الإِمام المرتضى
ولذاك قيل له على الرحب أقدم
17. And they saw Muhammad as righteous after him
So he was named Submit (to God)
١٧. ورأوا محمد صالحاً من بعده
لبنيهمُ يبقى فقيلَ لهُ اسلم
18. Proceed with righteousness, guidance, piety and virtue
And for the virtuous family and bearer of burdens
١٨. دمْ للصلاح وللهداية والتقى
ولعيلة العافي وحمل المغرم
19. I swear by your guidance, your devotion, and by Him
Who preferred you with merit, which fully binds me
١٩. قسماً بهديكَ بل بنسكك بل بمن
بالفضل خصَّك وهو جهدُ المقسم
20. None above the earth's face emulates you
In following the Imams in piety and nobility
٢٠. ما فوقَ ظهر الأرض فوقك مقتفٍ
أثرَ الأئمَّة في تقًى وتكرّم
21. You are the one the bloom of the high ancestry raises
The feats of glory belong to it and stem from it
٢١. أنتَ الذي تنميك من سلف العُلى
زهرُ الوجوه لها المكارم تنتمي
22. And one debased by your loftiness, I said when he attained them:
He has reached them, so his foothold has slipped
٢٢. ومعذَّبٍ بعُلاك قلت وقد سما
لينالها فانحطَّ موطئ منسم
23. You exhausted yourself though your repute cannot rise higher
Even if you climbed to the heavens with a ladder
٢٣. أتعبت نفسكَ ليس تعلو شأوه
ولو ارتقيتَ إلى السماء بسلَّم
24. So greet the days, for your brilliance has declined
And your loftiness has reached its zenith and climax
٢٤. فاسلم على الأيام ربعك آهلٌ
وعُلاك سامٍ فوقَ هام المرزم