
What good tidings have adorned the world with splendor!

أي بشرى كست الدنيا بهاءا

1. What good tidings have adorned the world with splendor!
Arise and congratulate the earth and the sky about it.

١. أيُّ بُشرى كست الدُنيا بَهاءا
قُم فهنّي الأرض فيها والسماءا

2. Its corners have been perfumed with its sweet scent,
And the breeze of its winds has fragranced the atmosphere.

٢. طَبَّقَ الأرجاءَ منها أرجٌ
عطَّرت نفحةُ ريَّاه الفضاءا

3. It is a mission that Gabriel announced,
Calling out before this in the Most High assembly:

٣. بعثةٌ أعلَنَ جبريلُ بها
قبل ذا في الملأ الأعلى النداءا

4. "The light has now been sent, that which
Will never fear extinction throughout time."

٤. قائلاً قد بُعِث النورُ الذي
ليس يخشى أبدَ الدهرِ انطفاءا

5. So congratulations! Goodness has been unlocked by the one
Whom the Merciful sealed as the last prophet.

٥. فهنيئاً فُتِحَ الخيرُ بمن
ختَم الرحمنُ فيه الأَنبياءا

6. And the most honorable messenger has come, whom
God specifically chose for conception and selection.

٦. وأتى أكرمُ مبعوثٍ قد اخ
تارهُ اللهُ انتجاباً واصطفاءا

7. The master of all messengers, Ahmad,
The one through whom the remembrance came with praise.

٧. سيّدُ الرسلِ جميعاً أحمدٌ
مَن بعلياهُ أتى الذكر ثناءا

8. A sent one who was born on a night
That was darkness for the world, but became radiance.

٨. مبعثٌ قد وَلَدته ليلةٌ
للورى ظلماؤها كانت ضياءا

9. Blessed is the night whose morning
God unveiled the truth and removed the veil.

٩. بُوركت من ليلةٍ في صُبحها
كَشف الله عن الحقِّ الغطاءا

10. God adorned it with splendor,
It pleased the world with blossoming and sublimity.

١٠. خلع اللهُ عليها نضرةً
راقت العالَم زهواً واجتلاءا

11. Whenever it passes, it brings with its passing
The comfort of joy, abundance, and vitality.

١١. كلما مرَّت حلت في مرِّها
راحةُ الأفراحِ رشفاً وانتشاءا

12. And time began singing joyfully,
With charm, exuberance, and pride.

١٢. واستهلَّ الدهرُ يُثني مُطرباً
عطفَ نشوانٍ ويختالُ ازدهاءا

13. So let the brilliant nation celebrate the one
Through whom God perfected its structure.

١٣. فلتهنِّ الملةُ الغرَّاءُ مَن
أَحكمَ اللهُ به منها البناءا

14. And let it defeat through him the enemies of guidance,
And let the scholars boast today through him.

١٤. ولتُباهِل فيه أعداءَ الهدى
ولتباهِ اليومَ فيه العلماءا

15. One with a sharpened blade through which the sky
Is irrigated, and clouds taught generosity.

١٥. ذو محيًّا فيه تُستَسقى السما
وبنانٍ علَّم الجودَ السماءا

16. His face made people gentle, until indeed
His humanity almost dripped water.

١٦. رقَّ بشراً وجههُ حتى لقد
كاد أن يقطرَ منه البشرُ ماءا

17. Through the light of his guidance and his face
People found their way to righteousness.

١٧. فعلى نورِ الهدى من وجهه
وجدَ الناسُ إلى الرشد اهتداءا

18. For he is God's shade on earth, over
The people of truth, with God's kindness their defender.

١٨. فهو ظلُّ اللهِ في الأَرضِ على
فئةِ الحقِّ بلطف اللهِ فاءا

19. So it is enough for Hashim to boast
That she bore him for his merits as a vessel.

١٩. فكفى هاشم فخراً أنَّها
وَلدته لمزاياها وِعاءا

20. For through him the pride has reached its end today,
And for him is the pride, beginning and end.

٢٠. فلها اليومَ انتهى الفخرُ به
وله الفخرُ ابتداءاً وانتهاءا

21. He surpassed the people of religion in knowledge, piety,
Righteousness, chastity, and steadfastness.

٢١. سادَ أهلَ الدينِ علماً وتقًى
وصلاحاً وعفافاً وإباءا

22. He adorned Samarra though it was abandoned,
Complaining of the harshness of its inhabitants.

٢٢. زانَ سامرّا وكانت عاطلاً
تتشكّى من محلّيها الجفاءا

23. And its yards became friendly
When it was the loneliest place on earth.

٢٣. وغدت أفناؤها آنسةً
وهي كانت أوحشَ الأرضِ فناءا

24. Give life through him to the Most Noble tomb, and say:
May God increase you in splendor and loftiness!

٢٤. حيِّ فيها المرقدَ الأسنى وقل
زادك اللهُ بهاءً وسناءا

25. You are but a rug for the Ahlul Bayt,
Through whom God made the sky as its ceiling.

٢٥. إنما أنت فِراشٌ للأُلى
جعل اللهُ السما فيهم بناءا

26. Its towers do not contain the meteors within them
That surpass you in brilliance like faces.

٢٦. ما حوت أبراجُها من شُهبها
كوجوهٍ فيك فاقتها بهاءا

27. The moons of guidance vanished into you,
And the sun came to you rising, offered as sacrifice.

٢٧. قد توارت فيك أقمارُ هدًى
ودَّت الشمسُ لها تغدو فداءا

28. You forever increase in the Highest abode in eminence
And prominence each time you are concealed.

٢٨. أبداً تزدادُ في العليا سنًى
وظهوراً كلَّما زيدت خفاءا

29. Then call out to the Most High dome and say:
Rise up, O dome of the Guided One, to the sky!

٢٩. ثم نادي القبةَ العليا وقل
طاوِلي يا قبةَ الهادي السماءا

30. With the glories of the Askari's, be resolute,
And add to its orbits an increase in loftiness.

٣٠. بمعالي العسكريين اشمخي
وعلى أفلاكها زِيدي عَلاءا

31. And overcome the flowers of the Abode of Peace in brilliance,
For the world wept with no illuminator within it.

٣١. واغلبي زهرَ الدراري في السنا
فبك العالمُ لا فيها أضاءا

32. May God prescribe you an orbit, O hall,
Of my intelligence, a nobility surpassing brilliance!

٣٢. خطَّكِ اللهُ تعالى دارةً
لذُكائي شرفٍ فاقا ذُكاءا

33. And He planted for us one who
The absence entrusted us to during the occultation, an affliction.

٣٣. وبنا عرّج على تلكَ التي
أودعتنا عندَها الغيبةُ داءا

34. God concealed through her the shining summoner
Who had been illumination for the eyes.

٣٤. حجب اللهُ بها الداعي الذي
هو للأعينِ قد كان الضياءا

35. Through her the angels in His kindness
Descend to the world morning and evening.

٣٥. وبها الأملاكُ في ألطافه
للورى تهبطُ صبحاً ومساءا

36. Stop, and say with melting entrails,
And from the eyes, make them stream with tears:

٣٦. قف وقل عن مهجةٍ ذائبةٍ
ومن العينينِ فانضجها دماءا

37. O Imam of the age! It kills me with anguish!
It was the wasting disease with no cure.

٣٧. يا إمامَ العصرِ ما أقتلها
حسرةً كانت هي الداء العياءا

38. We tried curing it, but besides seeing you,
We cannot find any remedy.

٣٨. مَطلتنا البرءَ في تعليلها
وسوى مرءاكَ لا نَلقى شفاءا

39. The responsibility of the Almighty is cleared
From people who through you have become disavowed.

٣٩. برئت ذمّةُ جبارِ السما
من أُناسٍ منك قد أضحوا بُراءا

40. So when will our burning innards cool down
That blaze the air with each breath?

٤٠. فمتى تَبردُ أحشاءٌ لنا
كِدنَ بالأنفاسِ يُضرمن الهواءا

41. And we see, O Upholder of Truth, your sword unsheathed
By God's hand, fully prepared!

٤١. ونرى يا قائمَ الحقِّ انتضت
سيفَها منك يدُ الله انتضاءا

42. Will we remain as you see us,
Spending the days and hoping with patience?

٤٢. أفهل نبقى كما تُبصرُنا
نُنفِذ الأيامَ والصبر رَجاءا

43. He who saw mercy from the Merciful rarely lied.
The soul is sacrificed for its Master.

٤٣. لا رأى الرحمةَ من قال رياءا
قلَّت الروحُ لمولاها فداءا