
O overwhelming darkness, who can cross it?

يا غمرة من لنا بمعبرها

1. O overwhelming darkness, who can cross it?
The sources of death without its origin overflow.

١. يا غمرة مَن لنا بمعبَرِها
مواردُ الموت دون مصدرها

2. Its dangerous waves overflow,
Drowning reason and its perceptions.

٢. يطفحُ موجُ البلا الخطير بها
فيغرقُ العقل مع تصوّرها

3. Hardships have ended greatly with it,
The calamities of fate and their abundance.

٣. وشدَّةً عندها انتهت عِظماً
شدائد الدهر مَعْ تكثّرها

4. It narrowed and its remedy did not come,
So the soul raged in its confusion.

٤. ضاقت ولم يأتِها مفرِّجها
فجاشت النفسُ في تحيّرها

5. The filth of misguidance has immersed,
The earth, so it cried out for its cleanser.

٥. الآنَ رجسُ الضلالة استغرق
الأرض فضجَّت إلى مطهّرها

6. And the religion of God was changed, so it became
Crying out to God from its changer.

٦. وملّة الله غُيِّرت فغدت
تصرخ لله من مُغيّرها

7. Who informs me while the souls complain?
What does the tongue of its informant lead to?

٧. مَن مخبري والنفوس عاتبةٌ
ماذا يؤدِّي لسانُ مخبرها

8. Why did the Master of the Command ignore his flock,
So they were oppressed by the injustice of its most ungrateful?

٨. لِمْ صاحب الأمر عن رعيَّته
أغضى فغصَّت بجور أكفرها

9. What is his excuse? His followers were seized
While he was among them.

٩. ما عذرُه نصب عينه أُخِذتْ
شيعتهُ وهو بين أظهرها

10. O God's jealousy, there is no stability
Over riding its immorality and denial.

١٠. يا غيرة الله لا قرار على
ركوب فحشائها ومنكرها

11. Your sword and striking, for if your followers
The sword has reached the neck's slaughter.

١١. سيفك والضرب إن شيعتكم
قد بلغ السيفُ حزَّ منحرها

12. Guidance has died, my master, so get up and revive
The sun of its morning with its gloomy night.

١٢. مات الهدى سيدي فقم وأمِت
شمسَ ضحاها بليل عِثيَرها

13. And leave the acts of enemies to themselves
To increase in fright from their stumbling.

١٣. واترك منايا العدى بأنفسهم
تكثر في الروع من تعثّرها

14. Nothing has healed these chests but
Your breaking the necks of the spears with it.

١٤. لم يُشف من هذه الصدور سوى
كسركَ صدر القنا بمُوغرها

15. And these scriptures will be erased by your sword,
From them, lives that have been erased from its lines.

١٥. وهذه الصحف محو سيفك للأ
عمار منهم أمحى لأسطرها

16. So embryos today complain while
In the wombs, from it to its Creator.

١٦. فالنطف اليوم تشتكي وهي في
الأرحام منها إلى مصوّرها

17. By God, O son of the Prophet, a group
That has not hoarded other than you for its resurrection!

١٧. فالله يا ابن النبيّ في فئةٍ
ما ذخرت غيركم لمحشرها

18. What will its enemies say if
You do not save it today from their destruction?

١٨. ماذا لأعدائها تقول إذا
لم تنجها اليوم من مدمِّرها

19. Did the misery of distance from you intercept me
Or were my seeing eyes blocked from its vision?

١٩. أشُقة البعد دونك اعترضت
أم حُجبت عنك عينُ مبصرها

20. Cracked from waiting for you.
How many eyes have stayed up with nothing

٢٠. فهاكَ قلِّب قلوبنا ترَها
تفطَّرت فيك من تنظرها

21. But their awaiting your aid in their vigil!
Where is the Preserver, All-Knowing of the group

٢١. كم سهرت أعينٌ وليس سوى
انتظارها غوثكم بمُسهرها

22. Whose right was wasted by its most immoral?
Do you overlook while you are its kind father?

٢٢. أين الحفيظ العليم للفئة ال
مضاعة الحق عند أفجرها

23. It is not so, O son of its purest!
If you do not help it for its greatest sin,

٢٣. تغضي وأنت الأبُ الرحيم لها
ما هكذا الظنّ يا ابن أطهرها

24. Then have mercy on it for the weakness of its lesser sin.
How can necks that God freed through you

٢٤. إن لم تغثها لجُرم أكبرها
فارحم لها ضعف جرم أصغرها

25. Be content to be enslaved by a tribe
That did not stop its flutes and lutes?

٢٥. كيف رقابٌ من الجحيم بكم
حرَّرها الله في تبصُّرها

26. If you, O Master of the Age, consent to it
And the people's acts of denial persist,

٢٦. ترضى بأن تسترقها عُصبٌ
لم تلهُ عن نايها ومزمرها

27. The banners of faith have died and been buried
Between the enemy’s wine and gambling.

٢٧. إن ترضَ يا صاحب الزمان بها
ودام للقوم فعلُ منكرها

28. Take it away with a plan that they want
May God not bring near its promoter’s home!

٢٨. ماتت شعارُ الإِيمان واندفنت
ما بين خمر العدى وميسرها

29. Death is better than life with it
If the soul could choose from its choices.

٢٩. أبعِد بها خطَّةً تُراد بها
لا قرَّب الله دار مؤثرها

30. It did not delude our enemies with their Lord
While He is bent on breaking their backs.

٣٠. الموتُ خيرٌ من الحياةِ بها
لو تملك النفس من تخيُّرها

31. Wait! For God has in His creation
Habits whose value the easy outweighed the difficult.

٣١. ما غرَّ أعداءنا بربّهم
وهو مليٌّ بقصم أظهرها

32. If people's prayers are blocked
It is because the acts of most have been evil.

٣٢. مهلاً فللهِ في بريَّته
عوائدٌ جلَّ قدرُ أيسرها

33. How many hot ashes for one of its embers
Complained to God in their inflammation!

٣٣. فدعوة الناس إن تكن حُجبت
لأنَّها ساءَ فعلُ أكثرها

34. Its breaths are about to burn the people
In its kindling when they rise.

٣٤. فرُبَّ حرَّى حشًى لواحدها
شكتْ إلى الله في تضوّرها

٣٥. توشك أنفاسها وقد صعدت
أن تحرقَ القوم في تسعُّرها