
Her greetings reached you from her branches with her anemone,

حيتك من وجناتها بشقيقها

1. Her greetings reached you from her branches with her anemone,
And she knelt to you offering a deep draft from her saliva,

١. حيَّتك من وَجَناتها بشقيقها
وجلت عليكَ مُدامةً من رِيقها

2. And she smiled at you from between lips that did not scent,
An eye like her lightning nor her ruby.

٢. وتبسَّمت لكَ عن ثناياً لم تَشِم
عينٌ كبارقها ولا كَعقيقها

3. And she loved you from her balconies with intimacy,
That no one has broken the seal of her nectar.

٣. وحبتكَ من رشفاتها بسلافةً
ما فضَّ مُرتَشِفٌ خِتامَ رحيقها

4. And she bent to you coquettishly unlike the dawn,
None before you enjoyed the bending of her slender figure.

٤. وتعطَّفت لك بانةً غيرُ الصبا
لم يحضَ قبلك بانعطافِ رشيقها

5. And she called to you with languorous eyelids,
My brother passion, the world is too narrow for her confines.

٥. ورنت بأجفانٍ إليك فَواترٍ
بأخي الهوى الدنيا تضيقُ لضيقها

6. O people of Ramah, what is beauty and what is passion,
But for one who desires you and whom you inflame?

٦. يا أهلَ رامةَ ما الجمالُ وما الهوى
إلاَّ لشائقٍ ريمكم ومَشوقها

7. The morning breeze breathed its perfume upon you,
And the course of life eternally sculpted you with its lightning.

٧. نفحتكم بعبيرها ريحُ الصَبا
ونحتكم ديمُ الحيا ببرُوقها

8. It irrigated your playgrounds with the gentlest rain,
With the blossoms of its meadows and the most delicate plants.

٨. فسقت ملاعبَكم بأوطفَ تزدهي
منه بزهرِ رياضها وأنيقها

9. A rain whose exhalation of Muhammad Salih,
Resembling lowering clouds and their outpouring.

٩. غيثٌ بسيب نَدى محمدِ صالحٍ
تشبيهُ واكفِ سحبهِ ودفوقها

10. He is better than one who suckled generosity, her breasts,
And shepherded her rights since she was obligatory.

١٠. هو خير من رضعَ المكارمَ درَّها
ورعى بها مُذ كان فرضَ حقوقها

11. Who is like him? He is her righteous son, who
Never thought of rebelling against her authority.

١١. مَن مثلهُ وهو ابنُها البرُّ الذي
ما همَّ لمحةَ ناظرٍ بعقوقها

12. A king who appeared to mankind in his pride
Sublime like the rising sun at daybreak.

١٢. ملكٌ تجلَّى للبريَّة فخرهُ ال
سامي تجلِّي الشمس عند شروقها

13. So if he is generous, he relieves her distress,
And if he speaks, her throats are too narrow for her breath.

١٣. فإذا تكرَّم كانَ فارجَ ضيقها
وإذا تكلَّم كانَ ضيقَ حلوقها

14. His noble fingers redeem her in the dew,
From the hands of villains weaving her veins.

١٤. تفدي أناملَه العريقةَ في الندى
أيدٍ من اللؤمِ انتساجُ عُروقها

15. He inherited the heights from predecessors, to a limit
That mankind has no hope of reaching.

١٥. ورثَ العُلى من سابقينَ لغايةٍ
ما للبريَّة مطمعٌ للحوقها

16. She created him generous, so he shares glory,
And praise between the deserving and the able.

١٦. خُلقت كِراماً فهي تقتسم الثنا
والحمدَ بين جديرِها وخليقها

17. He took the path of generosity and walked it,
So desire followed behind him on its path.

١٧. شرَعت طريقَ الجودِ وهو مشى به
فمشى المرامُ وراءه بطريقها

18. She bore him, then Abu Al-Ameen, thus winning
The praise of her enemy and her friend.

١٨. ولدتهُ ثُمَّ أبا الأمين فأحرزت
بها ثناء عدوّها وصديقها

19. They both reached the heavens in nobility, and Muhammad
Ascended in it, surpassing her peaks.

١٩. بلغا السماءَ عُلاً وزادَ محمدٌ
شرفاً سما فيه على عيّوقها

20. His talented fingers revived the prostrate, and whoever
Sees ways of salvation in them, is saved from drowning.

٢٠. أحيت أناملهُ العفاةَ ومن رأى
لُججاً يكون بها نجاة غريقها

21. A generosity like pouring rainclouds, adorned
By flashes of good news, like its flashing.

٢١. كرمٌ كغادية السحاب تُزينهُ
لمعاتُ بشرٍ كالتماع بُروقها

22. O you from whom generosity branched out in the lands, from a palm tree
That reaps generosity from the fruits of its seedlings.

٢٢. يا من تفرَّعَ في الذُرى من دوحةٍ
تُجنى المكارمُ من ثمارِ وَريقها

23. From the palm tree of honor that the ground of heights
Nurtured long ago, its roots sprawling.

٢٣. من دوحة الشرفِ الذي بثرى العُلى
وَشَجَت قديماً سارياتُ عروقها

24. God granted you lasting joy,
And clothed you in the gowns of glory with its finery.

٢٤. أهدى لك الفرحَ الإِلهُ مخلّداً
وكساكَ من حُلل الثنا برقيقها

25. This joy, how it delighted eyes,
And eyes that were sore with pain in their sockets.

٢٥. هذي المسرَّةُ كم أقرَّت أعيناً
ولأعينٍ كانت قذًى في مُوقها

26. Time promised to dispel with it the burning thirst in breasts,
So they longed for its fulfillment.

٢٦. وعد الزمانُ بأن يزيلَ بها جوى
الأحشاء فاشتاقت إلى تحقيقها

27. They fluttered with yearning for it, and when it was fulfilled,
They settled and rested after prolonged twitching.

٢٧. خَفقَت بها شَوقاً وحينَ وَفى بها
سكنت وقرَّت بعد طول خُفوقها

28. And time passed as it was honored tranquilly
Between its dawn and the darkening of its evenings.

٢٨. وغدا الزمانُ وقد ترشَّف راحها
نشوانَ بين صَبوحِها وغَبوقِها

29. So may the pleasing rapture that
Flooded the envious with its spit make you happy.

٢٩. فليُهنينكَ سائغُ الطرب الذي
لك قد أغصَّ الحاسدينَ بريقها

30. And may the wedding of the eminent Muhammad
And my brother, the guardian Abdul Hussein, his sibling, delight you.

٣٠. واسعد بعرس محمدٍ حسن العُلى
وأخي النُهى عبد الحسين شقيقها

31. May they remain in your shade, well off, and may
The spark of enmity not be kindled against them.

٣١. داما بظلّكَ رافهينِ ولم تزل
تَغلي حُشاشة منأبى بحريقها

32. For your sons and the sons of your brother - all of them -
The people seek refuge in them from distress.

٣٢. فبنوك ثمَّ بنو أخيك جميعُهم
تأوي الورَى منهم لِفارج ضيقها

33. And when engagements abound, Al-Mustafa
Is hoped for to dispel major and minor [troubles].

٣٣. فإذا الخطوبُ تراكمت فالمصطفى
يُرجى لدفعِ جَليلها ودقيقها

34. And when her nights darken, Muhammad lights them up,
The guide, with his rising dispelling the darkness of her dawn.

٣٤. وإذا لياليها دَجَت فمحمدُ ال
هادي بِطلعتهِ انجلاءُ غسوقها

35. And the trustworthy defender of glory preserves her covenants,
If time violates the tying of her knot.

٣٥. ولدى أمينِ المجدِ حفظُ عهودِها
إن خانَها دهرٌ بحلّ وثيقها

36. Sons of eminence, savor the intimacy of joy
Sweeter than sap in the drinking vessels of her clouds.

٣٦. أبني العُلى ارتشفوا سُلافةَ فرحةٍ
أحلى من الصهباءِ في راووقها

37. Joy prospered through it, so I said, recording it,
May your wedding join you with its spittle.

٣٧. طاب السرور بها فقلت مؤرّخاً
وصل الأحبةَ عرسُكم برحِيقها