
Today the guide's crier sounded his call

اليوم قد صوت ناعي الهدى

1. Today the guide's crier sounded his call
Proclaiming the news, no cryptic hints

١. اليوم قد صوَّت ناعي الهُدى
يفصحُ بالنعي ولا يكني

2. Mourning the martyr of al-Taff with his son
Al-Mahdi, patron of humanity and jinn

٢. ينعي قتيل الطفِّ عند ابنه
المهديّ مولى الأنس والجن

3. "Why is this roof so bright?" someone asked
When my contract on it was as black as pitch

٣. وقائلٍ ذا السقف ما باله
ابيضَّ وعهدي فيه كالدجن

4. I said, Al-Mahdi was so profoundly grieved
Weeping copiously for the martyr's end

٤. قلت رأى المهديّ مستشعر ال
سواد حزناً باكيَ الجفن

5. That he was all eyes with crying
And so it turned bright white from his sorrow

٥. فصارَ عيناً كلّه للبكا
فها هو ابيضَّ من الحزنِ