1. If I do not stand where the army of death crowds,
Then my feet have not walked the paths of glory.
ูก. ุฅู ูู
ุฃูู ุญูุซู ุฌูุด ุงูู
ูุช ูุฒุฏุญู
ููุง ู
ุดุช ุจููู ูู ุทูุฑูู ุงูุนูุง ูุฏู
2. I must heal myself with the spear, for indeed
My heart has been patient until it was all pain.
ูข. ูุง ุจุฏูู ุฃู ุฃุชุฏุงูู ุจุงูููุง ูููุฏ
ุตุจุฑุชู ุญุชููู ูุคุงุฏู ูููู ุฃูู
3. I have a secret will that I do not reveal
Until the Indian swords reveal it.
ูฃ. ุนูุฏู ู
ู ุงูุนุฒู
ุณุฑูู ูุง ุฃุจูุญู ุจู
ุญุชููู ุชุจูุญู ุจู ุงูููุฏููุฉ ุงูุฎูุฐู
4. Glory did not suckle me as a pure son whose pearls
Would drip if my spear remained bent like this.
ูค. ูุง ุฃุฑุถุนุช ูู ุงูุนูุง ุงุจูุงู ุตูู ุฏุฑููุชููุง
ุฅู ููุฐุง ุธููู ุฑูู
ุญู ููู ู
5. To my tribe whom I praised, their feet - not their peaks -
Were the place of glorious feats.
ูฅ. ุฅููุฉู ุจุถุจุง ููู
ู ุงูุชู ุญูู
ุงู ู
ูุงูุนููุง ุงูููุฌุงุกู ูุง ุงูููู
6. I will suckle the breast of war, which is a spear
Whose milk is from the chests of the brave and is blood.
ูฆ. ูุฃุญููุจููู ุซุฏู ุงูุญุฑุจ ููู ููุงู
ููุจุงูููุง ู
ู ุตุฏูุฑ ุงูุดูุณู ููู ุฏู
7. Why should I make peace with a people whose weakness
Does not make me safe if they are at peace?
ูง. ู
ุงูู ุฃูุณุงูู
ุงู ุนูุฏูู
ูุง ุณุงูู
ุชูู ูุฏู ุงูุฃูููุงู
ุฅู ุณูููู
8. Who bears the banner of the Commander
That is folded over breaths that are all embers?
ูจ. ู
ูู ุญุงู
ููู ููููู ุงูุฃู
ุฑู ู
ุชูุทูู ุนูู ููุซุงุชู ูููุง ุถูุฑู
9. O son of exalted ones, they make death sit
When you rouse it before the terrified faces of the resolute.
ูฉ. ูุง ุจู ุงูุฃููู ูููุนูุฏูู ุงูู
ูุชู ุฅู ููุถุช
ูุฏู ุงูุฑูุนู ูู ูุฌู ุงูุถูุจุง ุงูููู
10. Your horses are ready for battle when called
And the whites of them have shed their scabbards out of boredom.
ูกู . ุงูุฎููู ุนูุฏู ู
ูููุชูุง ู
ูุงูุจูุถู ู
ููุง ุนูุฑู ุฃุบู
ุงุฏููุง ุงูุณุฃู
11. These are the warriors! See their attacking determination
And their furrowed brows as they press on!
ูกูก. ูุฐู ุงูุฎุฏูุฑ ุฃูุง ุนุฏููุงุกู ูุงุชูุฉู
ูุฐู ุงูุฌุจุงู ุฃูุง ู
ุดุญูุฐุฉู ุชุณู
12. The land will never be cleansed of the filth of the enemy
Unless a flood of copious blood flows over it.
ูกูข. ูุง ุชุทูุฑู ุงูุฃุฑุถู ู
ู ุฑุฌุณู ุงูุนุฏู ุฃุจุฏุงู
ุง ูู
ููุณูู ููููุง ุณูู ุงูุฏู
ู ุงูุนุฑู
13. So that wherever each of them is, you wash him
In his blood as the Indian swords wash him.
ูกูฃ. ุจุญูุซู ู
ูุถุน ูููู ู
ูู ูู
ุงู ุชุบุณููู ุงูุตู
ุฉู ุงูุฎุฐู
14. I advise you not to deflect your sword from striking
Unless you see these clouds in it.
ูกูค. ุฃูุนูุฐ ุณููููู ุฃู ุชุตุฏู ุญุฏูุฏุชูู
ุชูู ููู ุชูุฌูู ูุฐู ุงูุบูู
15. It is time for the world and its inhabitants
To be rained on with blood made red by stirring it up.
ูกูฅ. ูุฏ ุขู ุฃู ูู
ุทุฑู ุงูุฏููุง ูุณุงููููุง
ุงู ุฃุบุฑูู ุนููู ุงูููุนู ู
16. Flaming lightning bolts will strike the heads of the people
From his palm - it is the sword they knew!
ูกูฆ. ุญุฑููุงู ุชุฏู
ุบ ูุงู
ู ุงูููู
ู ุตุงุนูุฉู
ู ููููู ููู ุงูุณููู ุงูุฐู ุนูู
17. Rise up! So whoever of you meets his skull being split
By a blow for the sake of religion today - it will judge him.
ูกูง. ููุถุงู ูู
ู ุจุธูุจุงูู
ูู ูููุช
ุถุฑุจุงู ุนูู ุงูุฏูู ููู ุงูููู
ู ูุญุชูู
18. And those are your spoils in the usurpers against you,
Divided by the eye of God they are divided.
ูกูจ. ูุชูู ุฃููุงูููู
ูู ุงูุบุงุตูุจููู ููู
ุฉู ูุจุนููู ุงููู ุชููุชุณู
19. Their crimes have told you to hasten punishing them -
So will you not take revenge, O avenger?
ูกูฉ. ุฌุฑุงุฆู
ุฃู ุชุนุงุฌูููู
ูููุงู ุฃูุช ู
20. And the strangest thing is that I inform you of them
As if your heart is empty while it is raging!
ูขู . ูุฅููู ุฃุนุฌุจ ุดูุก ุฃู ุฃุจุซููููุง
ูุฃูููู ููุจู ุฎุงูู ููู ู
21. I have not sat still until roused for their sake,
While you - you! - and they are in what they have committed!
ูขูก. ู
ุง ุฎูุชู ุชูุนุฏ ุญุชููู ุชูุณุชุซุงุฑู ููู
ูุฃูุชู ุฃูุช ููู
ุง ุฌูููู ูู
22. Their swords did not leave behind the son of a pious man,
So how can you leave behind for them a father or mother?
ูขูข. ูู
ุชูุจูู ุฃุณูุงููู
ุนูู ุงุจู ุชููู
ูููู ุชูุจูู ุนูููู
ูุง ุฃุจุงู ููู
23. No! By your clemency - the people have not been clement!
And no! By your forbearance - the people have not exercised forbearance!
ูขูฃ. ููุง ูุตูุญููู ุฅููู ุงูููู
ุง ุตูุญูุง
ููุง ูุญูู
ูู ุฅููู ุงูููู
ู ู
ุง ุญูู
24. The one who carries your mother's foot and dropped it in hatred
And your grandfather's infant with the arrow of misfortune they weaned!
ูขูค. ููุญู
ูู ุฃูู
ู ูุฏู
ุงู ุฃุณูุทูุง ุญููุงู
ูุทูู ุฌุฏูู ูู ุณูู
ู ุงูุฑุฏู ูุทู
25. Patience has no more endurance, or else the resolute
Will not stand firm with a bullet alongside the waters of childbirth that are blood!
ูขูฅ. ูุง ุตุจุฑู ุฃู ุชุถุนู ุงูููุฌุงุกู ู
ุง ุญู
ุจุทููุฉู ู
ุนูุง ู
ุงุกู ุงูู
ุฎุงุถู ุฏู
26. This sacred month has come to you screaming
At what they considered permissible in its sacred days.
ูขูฆ. ูุฐุง ุงูู
ูุฏ ูุงูุชู ุตุงุฑุฎุฉู
ููุง ุงุณุชุญููููุง ุจู ุฃูุงู
ูู ุงูุญูุฑู
27. It fills your hearing with wailing voices
Whose continuous mourning in the ears of time is deafening.
ูขูง. ูู
ูุฃูู ุณู
ุนูู ู
ู ุฃุตูุงุช ูุงุนูุฉู
ูู ู
ุน ุงูุฏูุฑ ู
ู ุฅุนูุงููุง ุตู
28. It mourns to you blood whose protectors were absent
Until it was shed and no banner was raised for you.
ูขูจ. ุชูุนู ุฅููู ุฏู
ุงุกู ุบุงุจ ูุงุตุฑููุง
ุญุชููู ุฃูุฑููุช ููู
ูุฑูุน ููู
29. Shed without answering the cry for help
Except with the tears of bereaved women filled with pain.
ูขูฉ. ู
ุณููุญุฉู ูู
ุชูุฌุจ ุนูุฏ ุงุณุชุบุงุซุชููุง
ุฅูุงูู ุจุฃุฏู
ุน ุซููู ุดููููุง ุงูุฃูู
30. Maidens have grieved, and before them are youths who drank
From their slaughter the cups of their eyes, the Indian swords.
ูฃู . ุญูููุช ูุจูู ูุฏููุง ููุชูุฉู ุดูุฑูุจุช
ู ูุญุฑูุง ููุตุจู ุนููููุง ุงูุถููุจุง ุงูุฎูุฐู
31. Lying on the hot ground, they look upon them,
Their flaming hearts crowded upon the roses of calamity.
ูฃูก. ู
ููุณูุฏูู ุนูู ุงูุฑู
ุถุงุกู ุชูุธุฑูู
ุญุฑููู ุงููููุจ ุนูู ูุฑุฏ ุงูุฑุฏู ุงุฒุฏุญู
32. Watered only by blood, and only by tears of sadness,
Consumed by their patience beneath the resolve generously.
ูฃูข. ุณููุงู ูุซุงูููู ูู
ุชูุจูู ู
ุฅูุงูู ุงูุฏู
ุงุกู ูุฅูุงู ุงูุฃุฏู
ูุนู ุงูุณุฌู
33. And wading into the abundant, billowing sea of death
Whose waves are the whites along with the skulls, churning.
ูฃูฃ. ุฃููุงููู
ู ุตูุจุฑูู
ุชุญุช ุงูุถููุจุง ูุฑู
ุญุชููู ูุถูุง ูุฑุฏุงูู
ูุคู ูุฑู
34. They walked to war like preying beasts
So they contended with death in it and the spear was bent.
ูฃูค. ูุฎุงุฆุถููู ุบู
ุงุฑ ุงูู
ูุช ุทุงูุญุฉู
ูุงุฌููุง ุงูุจูุถู ุจุงููุงู
ุงุชู ุชููุชุทู
35. There is no shame the day of children being killed
With patience, by resolute women whose feet did not stand firm.
ูฃูฅ. ู
ุดูุง ุฅูู ุงูุญุฑุจ ู
ุดู ุงูุถุงุฑูุงุชู ููุง
ูุตุงุฑุนูุง ุงูู
ูุชู ูููุง ูุงูููุง ุฃูุฌู
36. For war - you know that if they die in it, indeed
The swords, not the resolves, have died in it.
ูฃูฆ. ููุง ุบุถุงุถุฉ ููู
ุงูุทููู ุฃู ููุชููุง
ุตุจุฑุงู ุจููุฌุงุก ูู
ุชุซุจุช ููุง ูุฏู
37. I mourn them for the sheaths of the horses, if they are ridden,
Their heads have not curbed the horseโs determination to gallop.
ูฃูง. ูุงูุญุฑุจ ุชุนูู
ุฅู ู
ุงุชูุง ุจูุง ูููููุฏ
ุงุชุช ุจูุง ู
ุงูุฃุณูุงูู ูุง ุงูููู
38. And for the swords - for when death is the opponent
In their sharp edges, it and the souls contend.
ูฃูจ. ุฃุจูููู
ูุนูุงุฏู ุงูุฎูู ุฅู ุฑูุจุช
ุฑุคุณูุง ูู
ุชูููู ุนุฒู
ููุง ุงููุฌู
39. Perplexed women whose eyes
Were frightened the next morning when they swooped down upon their shelters.
ูฃูฉ. ูููุณููู ุฅุฐุง ุงูู
ูุช ุงูุฒุคุงู
ู ุบุฏุง
ูู ุญุฏูููุง ูู ูุงูุฃุฑูุงุญู ูุฎุชุตูู
40. They were in a place where their people had encamped around them
A canopy whose domain was made inviolable by their glory.
ูคู . ูุญุงุฆุฑุงุชู ุฃุทุงุฑู ุงูููู
ู ุฃุนูููููุง
ุฑูุนุจุงู ุบุฏุงุฉ ุนูููุง ุฎูุฏุฑููุง ููุฌู
41. It is almost as if, out of awe, even the angels would not circulate around it
If they were not servants.
ูคูก. ูุงูุช ุจุญูุซู ุนูููุง ููู
ููุง ุถุฑุจุช
ุณูุฑุงุฏูุงู ุฃุฑุถููู ู
ู ุนุฒูููู
42. So she was exposed before the hands of the people, distraught,
Taken captive with no one in whom she can seek refuge.
ูคูข. ููุงุฏ ู
ู ููุจุฉู ุฃู ูุง ูุทููู ุจู
ุญุชููู ุงูู
ูุงุฆูู ูููุง ุฃููููู
43. Yes - she twisted her neck in blame, calling out
To her people, and her desolation filled with embers.
ูคูฃ. ูุบูุฏุฑุช ุจูู ุฃูุฏู ุงูููู
ุชูุณุจู ูููุณ ููุง ู
ูู ููู ุชูุนุชุตูู
44. She complained of them since the hands of the enemy differed
Over her belongings, but who can help her against them?
ูคูค. ูุนู
ููุช ุฌูุฏููุง ุจุงูุนุชุจ ูุงุชููุฉู
ููุง ูุญุดุงูุง ู
ูุคู ุถูุฑู
45. She called out - and oh, their distance from her, reproaching
Them - and oh, if only they were deaf to her reproach!
ูคูฅ. ุนุฌููุช ุจูู
ูุฐ ุนูู ุฃุจุฑุงุฏูุง ุงุฎุชููุช
ุฃูุฏู ุงูุนุฏููู ูููู ู
ูู ูููุง ุจููู
46. My exalted people, their feet were tied
To zeal - they were not oppressed or exploited.
ูคูฆ. ูุงุฏุช ููุง ุจูุนุฏูู
ุนููุง ู
ููุง ููุชูู
ู ุนุชุจูุง ุฃู
47. My covenant with them is that glory is their nature;
They do not age, and aging is the antithesis of glory.
ูคูง. ููู
ู ุงูุฃููู ุนููุฏุช ููุฏู
ุงู ู
ุนูู ุงูุญู
ูููุฉ ู
ุง ุถููู
ูุง ููุง ุงูุชุถู
48. What is wrong with them? Their forms have not vanished.
They drew near - and elegant form has carried us.
ูคูจ. ุนูุฏู ุจูู
ููุตุฑู ุงูุฃุนู
ุงุฑู ุดุฃููู
ูุง ููุฑู
ูู ููููููุงุจุฉ ุงููุฑู
49. O you who travel on the steeds of determination, load them
With a care that squeezes the ribs and resolutions.
ูคูฉ. ู
ุง ุจุงููููู
ูุง ุนููุช ู
ูุฑูููุง ููุฏ ุญู
ูุชูุง ุงูุฃูููู ุงูุฑุณู
50. Stop by the living ones from Amr al-Ala and rest
Where the might and generosity have settled.
ูฅู . ูุง ุบุงุฏูุงู ุจู
ุทุงูุง ุงูุนุฒู
ููุง ุชุถูู ุจู ุงูุฃุถูุงุน ูุงูุญูุฒู
51. And rouse a protector from them; it is not in their nature
That one who does not raise the banner in battle is their son.
ูฅูก. ุนุฑููุฌ ุนูู ุงูุญููู ู
ู ุนู
ุฑู ุงูุนูู ูุฃุฑุญ
ุจุญูุซู ุงุทู
ุฃููู ุงูุจุฃุณ ูุงููุฑู
52. The satiated, for whom the birds of the sky are a feast, and for them
Is the blessing of the neighbor among them - the inviolable one testifies to it.
ูฅูข. ูุญูู ู
ุงุฉู ููุณ ุจุงุจูููู
ูู ูุง ูุฑููู ุนููู ูู ุงููุบู ุงูุนูู
53. And the Hashimites - and all the people know
That either a guest or a sword has what they have crushed.
ูฅูฃ. ุงูู
ุดุจุนูู ููุฑูู ุทูุฑู ุงูุณู
ุง ูููู
ูุนุฉ ุงูุฌุงุฑ ูููู
ูุดูุฏู ุงูุญุฑู
54. Slaughterhouses of war, you see in every land
Their slain by their swords - the pelting rains have not swept them away.
ูฅูค. ูุงููุงุดู
ููู ููููู ุงููุงุณู ูุฏ ุนูู
ุจุฃููู ููุถูู ุฃู ููุณูู ู
ุง ูุดู
55. It is as if every muddy puddle were their house, and in it
Were their family members - the beasts - or their guests - the insects.
ูฅูฅ. ูู
ุงุฉู ุญุฑุจู ุชุฑู ูู ููู ุจุงุฏูุฉู
ูุชูู ุจุฃุณูุงููู
ุชุญููุง ุงูุฑุฌู
56. Take a position with them that makes hearts boil
With the fury of blame, and ask what is wrong with them.
ูฅูฆ. ูุฃูููู ููู ููุงู ุฏุงุฑู ููู
ุนูุงููุง ุงููุญุด ุฃู ุฃุถูุงููุง ุงูุฑูุฎู
57. Have the resolves of eminent ones dried up, or rather,
Has the zeal cooled down from them, or have the dispositions died?
ูฅูง. ููู ู
ูููุงู ุชุบูู ุงููููุจู ุจู
ู ููุฑุฉ ุงูุนุชุจ ูุงุณุฃู ู
ุง ุงูุฐู ุจูู
58. Or, did it not find my biting blame penetrating in its talk
So that the coals of my mouth's speech have crumbled?
ูฅูจ. ุฌููููุช ุนุฒุงุฆู
ู ููุฑู ุฃู
ุชูุฑู ุจูุฑุฏุช
ููุง ุงูุญู
ูุฉ ุฃู
ูุฏ ู
ุงุชุช ุงูุดูู
59. Where is the gallantry? Or where is the preservation?
Does the honor of lineage and generosity now refuse?
ูฅูฉ. ุฃู
ุชุฌุฏ ูุฐุนู ุนุชุจู ูู ุญุดุงุดุชูุง
ููุฏ ุชุณุงููุทู ุฌู
ุฑุงู ู
ู ูู
ู ุงูููู
60. Their free women are taken captive while children watch, distraught,
And they were not wearing the dust of death as a veil!
ูฆู . ุฃูู ุงูุดูุงู
ุฉ ุฃู
ุฃูู ุงูุญูุงุธ ุฃู
ูุฃุจู ููุง ุดุฑูู ุงูุฃุญุณุงุจู ูุงููุฑู
61. For whom are the loosing of the horses prepared if they refrain
From a stance in which the inviolable was violated?
ูฆูก. ุชูุณุจู ุญุฑุงุฆุฑูุง ุจุงูุทูู ุญุงุณุฑุฉู
ุชูู ุจุบูุจุงุฑ ุงูู
ูุช ุชูุชุซู
62. So what is your excuse, O Fahrs, that you do not shine
With the whites striking or with the dark-skinned crumbling?
ูฆูข. ูู
ู ุฃูุนุฏููุช ุนุชุงูู ุงูุฎูู ุฅู ูุนุฏุช
ุนู ู
ูููู ููุชูุช ู
ููุง ุจู ุงูุญุฑู
63. Yes, your women have shaken you with blame
While you are in a slumber beneath the soil, decaying.
ูฆูฃ. ูู
ุง ุงุนุชุฐุงุฑููู ูุง ููุฑู ููู
ุจุงูุจูุถ ุชูุซูู
ุฃู ุจุงูุณู
ุฑ ุชูุญุทู
64. So let your neck turn away from you today, disappointed,
For your singing has not prevented the pelting you with stones.
ูฆูค. ุฃุฌู ูุณุงุคูู ูุฏ ูุฒููุชูู ุนุงุชูุจุฉู
ูุฃูุชู ู
ู ุฑูุฏุฉู ุชุญุช ุงูุซุฑู ุฑู
ูฆูฅ. ููุชูููุช ุงูุฌูุฏู ุนููู ุงูููู
ุง ุบูุงุคูู ุญุงูุช ุฏูููู ุงูุฑุฌู