
The glance of the one with tender eyes

ولرب ريم طرفه

1. The glance of the one with tender eyes
Shot the arrow of his gaze like lightning

١. ولربَّ ريمٍ طَرفُه
بالهدب سهمَ اللحظِ راشا

2. And cast it violently due to
His burning passion that makes him tremble

٢. ورمى به صبًّا لفرطِ
ضناه يرتعشُ ارتعاشا

3. She said you have set out to seduce
So look how your arrow has gone astray

٣. قالت جنحتَ لسلوةٍ
فانظر لسهمكَ كيف طاشا

4. I replied no, by Him who
Made daylight our livelihood

٤. فأجبتُها لا والذي
جعل النهار لنا معاشا

5. I am on the path of passionate love
So I tie together lovers firmly

٥. أنا في سبيلِ هوى الكوا
عب أربطُ العُشّاق جاشا

6. Far from it! I cannot be diverted
Or told "Beautiful is the dew's radiance!"

٦. هيهات أسلو أو يقالُ
سلا الندى حسنٌ وحاشا

7. It is He whom the backs of the noble
Camels did not leave thirsty

٧. ذاك الذي لحوائم الآ
مالِ لم يترك عِطاشا

8. Ever since He stood by the Most High
As an immense ocean surging high

٨. مذ قام للعليا مؤمِّ
لُها وبحرُ علاه جاشا

9. The souls of envious people died
In their hatred, and merit lived on

٩. ماتت نفوسُ الحاسدين
بغيضها والفضلُ عاشا

10. If clouds were to compete with Him
You'd see them pouring down showers

١٠. من لو تساجِلهُ الغيوثُ
أراك وابلها رَشاشا

11. The lion senses fury
At his mighty awesomeness

١١. تستشعر الأسدُ الغضاب
لعُظم هيبتِه اندهاشا

12. Over the lamp of His brilliant brow
You'd think them to be moths

١٢. وعلى سِراج جبينه الآ
مال تحسبها فراشا