1. Why have I praised you for so long,
When you make me go astray in old age,
١. ما بالُ من نوهتُ دهراً
فيه يتيهُ عليَّ كِبرا
2. And I clothed you in fine garments,
Yet you cast on me the dress of vainglory.
٢. وكسوتُه العَليا فجرَّ
عليَّ ثوبَ الزهوِ فخرا
3. How often did I boast of you,
Who was nobler than you in rank,
٣. كم قمتُ فيكَ مُفاخراً
مَن كان أشرف منك قدرا
4. And compare those who do not see you,
To the side of your towering height.
٤. ومُوازناً مَن لا يراك
بجنبِ طودِ عُلاه ذرَّا
5. And keep pace with those who were captive
To your virtues in renown,
٥. ومُسايراً مَن كان أسيرَ
في المكارمِ منك ذِكرا
6. And contend with those who never
Fell short of your great achievements,
٦. ومُطاولاً مَن لم تَقِس
أبداً بباعك منهُ فِترا
7. And take pride over those who do not count
Their pride like your loftiness as pride.
٧. ومُباهياً مَن لا يعدّ
كفخره لعُلاك فخرا
8. I was the crescent but increased in
My praise of you until I became the full moon.
٨. كنت الهلالَ فزدت في
مدحي إلى أن صرت بدرا
9. You are the rain clouds, so why have you
Become for me a predatory falcon?
٩. أنت البغاثُ لمعشرٍ
فعلامَ صرت عليَّ صقرا