1. I see no excuse for time, O friend
Does it know for whom it brought evil
١. لا أرى للزمان يا صاح عذرا
أفيدري لمن تأبَّط شرَّا
2. And for whom it suddenly brought distress
Mankind's servants and freemen alike were afflicted
٢. ولمن بغتةً ألمَّ بخطبٍ
ساءَ فيه الأنامُ عبداً وحرَّا
3. It brought back sorrow to the forelocks of nights
And the faces of people became disheveled and dusty
٣. ردَّ فيه حزناً نواصي الليالي
ووجوهُ الأنام شعثاً وغبرا
4. It made the generous stingy, and the eyes of
Glory shed tears, and the brow of virtue became hot
٤. وحشا المكرمات حرَّى وعينُ ال
مجد عبرى ومهجة الفضل حرَّى
5. It plucked a branch from the palm tree of generosity
And it suddenly withered though it had been fresh
٥. جذَّ من دوحة المكارم غصناً
فذوى بغتةً وقد كانَ نضرا
6. The eminent ones eulogized him while he was in a grave
After patience placed him in a grave
٦. قد نعته العلياءُ وهو بقبرٍ
مذ حواه لصبرها صارَ قبرا
7. O crescent, I hoped you would become a full moon
But the hand of evil erased you, so be consoled
٧. يا هلالاً رجوتُ يكمل بدراً
محقته يدُ الردى فاستسرَّا
8. Who can I blame, if a critic blames you?
Rather, excuse him, for he will not accept an excuse
٨. مَن عذيري من لائمٍ فيك لا أق
بل عذلاً وليس يقبل عذرا
9. I have restrained myself from blaming him
Just as I have restrained my chest from your calamity
٩. لامَ حتَّى بلومه ضقتُ ذرعاً
مثل ما ضقتُ في مصابكَ صدرا
10. I said, leave me be and my tears will complain
Weeping for him, and my brow will be hot
١٠. قلتُ دعني ومقلةً لي عبرى
ببكاها ومهجة لي حرَّى
11. Do not let my eyes find comfort, for their
Light has settled in the darkness of the tomb
١١. لا تسمني قرارَ عيني فهذا
ضوؤها في ثرى اللحود استقرَّا
12. Without me, it is half of my inner darkness
After half of my inner self parted from me
١٢. هو منِّي شطرُ الحشا أوَأسلو
بعدما من حشاي فارقتُ شطرا
13. Strangely, I have become lenient with dust
And I lay him in it and pour it on him
١٣. عجباً صرتُ فيه أسمح للترب
ومنه عليه أطرح وقرا
14. After I expected all eyes would see
That radiant and most noble one
١٤. بعد ظنِّي على العيونِ جميعاً
أن ترى ذلك المحيَّا الأغرَّا
15. In his life, living was sweet for me
And today, after him, it has become bitter
١٥. كانَ لي في حياته العيشُ حلواً
وهو اليوم بعده قد أمرَّا
16. And it suffices me, what I have lived, an affliction upon myself
That I remain while the grave settles him against his will
١٦. وبحسبي ما عشتُ داءً لنفسي
أنا أبقى ويسكن اللحدُ قسرا
17. However I die, I am frigid
And the hand of death has clung onto that strongly
١٧. كيف ما متُّ إنَّني لجليدٌ
وبه أنشبت يدُ الموت ظفرا
18. I don fresh clothes for my body while alive
Yet he wears out in the soil, dead and naked
١٨. أستجدُّ الثيابَ حياً لجسمي
وهو يبلى في التربِ ميتاً معرَّى
19. I did not spare myself to be patient
While my heart is wounded by his arrow
١٩. لم أخلني كذا أكون صبوراً
وفؤادي بسهمه قد تفرَّى
20. I avoided alleviating the pain from him out of
Compassion, not to relay any excuse to people
٢٠. رمتُ رفعَ الآلام عنه بجهدي
شفقاً لا لأبلغ الناسَ عذرا
21. And I spent the finest of my money
Along with spending the most cherished for his treatment
٢١. وبذلت الطريفَ من جلِّ مالي
مع بذل التليد منه ليبرا
22. I wish he could remain, and I would be
Content if he stayed, that would comfort my eyes
٢٢. وبودِّي لو كانَ يبقى وأملقتُ
إذاً كانَ ذا لعيني أقرَّا
23. It is an evil of time that I see him
Those who were good to their children fared poorly
٢٣. سوءةٌ للزمانِ مالي أراه
ساءَ مَن أحسنوا لأبناه طرَّا
24. They are the Prophet's sons, and those in the wilderness
Are like the Prophet's sons in generosity and righteousness
٢٤. هم بنو المصطفى ومَن في البرايا
كبني المصطفى سماحاً وبرَّا
25. The party of glory, the people of pure nobility
The tribe of the eminent, needless to say their pride
٢٥. فئةُ المجد معشرُ الشرف المحض
قبيل العليا وناهيك فخرا
26. Greed has robbed people, but none other than them
Were free in the world
٢٦. قد أرَّق الحرصُ الأنامَ ولكن
لم يكن غيرُهم على الأرض حرَّا
27. Muhammad, the righteous in deeds, clothed them
With a cloak of his pride, pleasantly scented
٢٧. قد كساهم محمدٌ صالحَ الأفعال
بُرداً من فخره طابَ نشرا
28. Devoutness - whoever saw him said
"By my life, you have a sublime essence within you"
٢٨. ورعٌ من رآه قالَ لعمري
إن لله في معانيكَ سرَّا
29. Angelic in attributes, but you see him
Human in limbs, his worth most high
٢٩. ملكيُّ الصفات لكن تراه
بشريّ الأعضاء قد جلَّ قدرا
30. You have a holy soul that has been purified
By it, secretly and openly, for God
٣٠. لك نفسٌ قدسيَّةٌ قد تمحَّض
ت بها للإله سرًّا وجهرا
31. It is that soul between the sides
Of the one of exalted qualities, your brother - it is no other
٣١. هي تلكَ النفسُ التي بين جنبي
ذي المعالي أخيك ليست بأُخرى
32. By law, you two have risen to the heights
And mounted the star on its back
٣٢. شرعاً قد سموتما للمعالي
وإليها ركبتما النجمَ ظهرا
33. What was evil has ended, and what was hidden is revealed
So he is the time's fullness, in good and evil
٣٣. تمَّ فيه ما كانَ ساءَ وسرَّا
فهو ملء الزمان نفعاً وضرَّا
34. With ease he pours with his right over others
And a hand that was facile for its seeker
٣٤. ذو يسارٍ يزري بيمنى سواه
ويمينٍ كانت لراجيه يسرا
35. It flows more generously than seas in bestowal
And is more abundant in pearls than clouds drifting
٣٥. هي أجرى من البحار نوالاً
ومن الغاديات أغزرُ دَرَّا
36. It makes the land fertile through its clouds, so that when the generous
Moves, the surface of the barren plain shivers through him
٣٦. تخصب الأرض في نداه إذا الجد
بُ أديمُ الصعيد فيه اقشعرَّا
37. And on the earth - if he walks, the meteors
Drag their hems for him in procession
٣٧. وعلى الأرضِ إن مشتْ ودَّت
الشهبُ عليها أذيالَ علياه جرَّا
38. How can the stars not envy his wealth
By which he has risen above the meteors in pride?
٣٨. كيف لا تحسد النجومُ ثراه
وبه قد سما على الشهبِ فخرا
39. He raced ahead, and the trustee of grace prayed behind him
Then they both settled in the highest glory
٣٩. قد جرى سابقاً وصلَّى أمينُ ال
فضل يتلوه لاحقاً واستمرَّا
40. Rising in its heaven as sun and moon
So every light became guided by them
٤٠. ثمَّ حلاَّ معاً بأرفع مجدٍ
طلعا في سماه شمساً وبدرا
41. For one aspiring to glorious deeds
O sons of the Prophet, you have established mildness
٤١. فغدا كلُّ نيِّرٍ بهما هادٍ
لمن رامَ للمكارمِ مسرى
42. And so you became patient through tribulations
The recompense belongs to you, but patience
٤٢. يا بني المصطفى رسختم حلوماً
فغدوتم على النوائبِ صبرا
43. Is more befitting of you, even if worth is high
And the sorrow of the past is lessened when
٤٣. ذا الجزا أنتُم حريُّون فيه
لكن الصبرُ أنتم فيه أحرى
44. You remain, even if the loss was grave
٤٤. ومصاب الماضي يهون إذا ما
كنتَ أنتَ الباقي وإن عزَّ قدرا