
A bewitching eye that captivated my heart

عين فتانة لها القلب خدر

1. A bewitching eye that captivated my heart
It enchanted me, and the eyes of the doe are enchantment

١. عينُ فتّانةٍ لها القلبُ خدرُ
سَحرتني وأعينُ الغيدِ سحرُ

2. A child of life whose concern is play, yet
Her condition for play is kohl and perfume

٢. طفلةُ الحيِّ شأنُها اللهو لكن
حالتا لهوِها خضابٌ وعطر

3. She taught me beauty letter by letter
Written in the pages of her embroidered chest

٣. أقرأتني الجمال حرفاً فحرفاً
وهو في صدرِها المطرَّزِ سفر

4. She came to me, nothing but her smile a cup
She gave me to drink, nothing but her saliva wine

٤. وجلت لي وما سوى الثغر كأسٌ
وسقتني وما سوى الريقِ خمر

5. She seduced me with her face, a full moon
Veiled by the night's darkness that covered me like hair

٥. وهدتني بوجهِها وهو بدرٌ
تحت ليلٍ أظلَّني وهو شعر

6. She spread before me a heart of passion and wrapped
Me in an embrace, so her wrap was binding and spread

٦. نَشرتهُ دلاٍّ عليَّ ولفّت
ني عناقاً فلذَّ لفٌّ ونشر

7. O you who revived with her from the folds of life
My tears for her are a sparkle and drops

٧. يا سقى عهدَها حياً من ثنايا
ها ودمعي لها وميضٌ وقطر

8. She wounded me with her glance then asked
Does the wound of passion in your heart probe?

٨. جرحتني بلحظِها ثمَّ قالت
هل لجُرح الهوى بقلبكَ سبرُ

9. No, and my cup is ever-flowing with pride
In my heart the wound of passion persists

٩. لا وكأسي محمد حسن الفخرِ
بقلبي جُرح الهوى مُستمر

10. Live as a new crescent rising at dawn
Hidden from the expectant eyes that cannot be detected

١٠. حيِّ في مطلع السماحِ هِلالاً
عن عُيونِ الراجينَ لا يستسر

11. Borne by the sublime, fathered by one who
Carried him to glory in womb and back

١١. وَلدَته العلياءُ أنجبَ مَن قد
حملاه للمجد بطنٌ وظهر

12. Auspiciously guided by the hand of fortune in him
Bless happiness, so pure and shining white

١٢. مُستهلاٍّ على يد اليمنِ فيه
بارِكِ السعدَ وهو طهرٌ أغرُّ

13. And grew in the sublime a branch of his youth
Green from the sap of beauty

١٣. ونَما في العلاء غصنُ صِباه
وهو من ريّق المحاسنِ نَضر

14. Not worn by the cloak of youth and from it
The fullness of glory and pride's attire

١٤. ما نضا بُردةَ الشبابِ ومنه
ملءُ بُردِ الزمانِ مجدٌ وفخر

15. After you, o wise elders, incapacity followed
And the old of experience were outrun

١٥. خلفكم يا مشايخَ الحزمِ عجزاً
فاتَ سبقاً كهلُ التجارب غِرُّ

16. When the arena of oratory among them
They embraced him, outdoing opponents present

١٦. مَن إذا حلبةُ الخَطابةِ فيها
ضمَّه والخصومَ سبقٌ وحضر

17. He spoke judiciously, so they threw
And claimed excellence, preceding, so they acknowledged

١٧. قال بالفصلِ ناطقاً فأرّموا
وادّعى الفضلَ سابقاً فأقرّوا

18. And he told his unique prose, and they said:
Are these words from a mouth or within it a pearl?

١٨. وروى نثرَهُ الفريد فقالوا
أكلامٌ بفيه أم فيه درُّ

19. His hand is not accustomed hoarding the harmful coin
To linger, though over it, it passes

١٩. يدُه ليس تألف الدرهم المضرو
بَ مكثاً لكن عليها يمرُّ

20. He hated stinginess since he was a child until
His reputation from hearing is nothing in it, and settlement

٢٠. كرهَ البخلَ مذ ترعرع حتَّى
سمعُه عن سماع لا فيه وقر

21. And to this day he knows nothing but the saying
"Yes" since he uttered it, and he was a toddler

٢١. وإلى الآن ليس يدري سوى قول
بلى منذ قالها وهو ذرُّ

22. Ask through him the land in dignity and
In cliffs which of its towns is more settling

٢٢. سل به الأرضَ بالوقارِ وبالأط
وادِ أيًّا على قراها أقرُّ

23. And on its face when barrenness covers it
The rain's mother waters it more generously

٢٣. وعلى وجهِها إذا اغبرَّ جدباً
أنداهُ أم الغمامِ أدرُّ

24. With a smile that nearly drips water of
Good tidings, if there was for people a dripping

٢٤. ذو محيًّا يكادُ يقطرُ ماء ال
بِشر منه لو كانَ للبِشر قَطر

25. And traits like a garden its blossoms plucked
By the morning breeze passing through it

٢٥. وسجاياً كالروضِ باكرَه الطلُّ
نسيمُ الصَبا عليه يمرُّ

26. And virtues multiplying the stars in number
Which no prose or poetry can encompass

٢٦. ومزاياً تُكاثرُ الشهبَ عدًّا
وبها لا يُحيطُ نظمٌ ونثر

27. So he and benevolence are spirit and body
And a cloak adorning it at the waist

٢٧. فهو والمكرُمات روحٌ وجسمٌ
ووشاحٌ يُزينها وهو خَصر

28. By confiding in him secrets is kindness
And by entrusting him command is obligation

٢٨. وبإيداعها لهُ السرَّ لطفٌ
وبتفويضها لهُ الأمر جبرُ

29. O brother of benevolence, and this is a call
I find benevolence in him delighted

٢٩. يا أخا المكرُمات وهو نِداءٌ
أجدُ المكرماتِ فيه تسرُّ

30. That is a month, its soul blowing and it is an era
Built from thought-filled purpose for you my nation

٣٠. هاك سيّارةً مع الريح لكن
تلك شهرٌ رواحُها وهي دهر

31. No mind has birthed its equal for your equal mind
Whenever the burdens of life weighed down its steps

٣١. بنتُ فكرٍ على النوى لك أمّت
لم يَلد مثلَها لمثلك فكر

32. An ardent passion for you in it became lighter
Of knowledgeable essence, however long the night of anxiety lasts

٣٢. كلَّما أثقلَ الحيا من خُطاها
خفَّ فيها هوىً إليك مبرُّ

33. Every night that comes has after it a dawn
And the toil of the journey passes when it

٣٣. ذاتُ علمٍ مهما يطل ليلُ همٍّ
كلُّ ليلٍ يأتي بعُقباه فجر

34. Comes to rest with you afterwards its refuge
Revive it! The best you have chosen as a bride

٣٤. وعناءُ المسرى يزولُ إذا طا
بَ لها بعده لديكَ المقرُّ

35. A daughter of the day for whom you paid consent as dowry
A sister of justification who came to the reproach seeking

٣٥. حيِّها خير ما اجتليتَ عَروساً
بنت يومٍ لها قَبولك مهر

36. Excuse her, for she was late coming to you

٣٦. أختُ عذرٍ جاءَت على العتب تسعى
ألها إذ تأخرت عنك عذر