
Arise and ask Islam about its affliction,

قم ناشد الإِسلام عن مصابه

1. Arise and ask Islam about its affliction,
Was the Prophet afflicted or his book?

١. قُم ناشد الإِسلامَ عن مُصابه
أُصيب بالنبيّ أم كتابه

2. Or did the convoy of death depart from him,
Carried by the soul upon its mounts?

٢. أم أنَّ ركب الموت عنه قد سرى
بالرُّوح محمولاً على ركابه

3. Nay, the soul of the chosen Prophet expired,
And he was shrouded this night in his robes.

٣. بل قضى نفسُ النبيّ المرتضى
وأُدرج الليلة في أثوابه

4. He passed away choking on anguish,
The ages choked on his anguish throughout its eras.

٤. مضى على اهتضامه بغُصَّة
غصَّ بها الدهرُ مدى أحقابه

5. He lived a stranger amongst them and had passed away,
By the sword that severed them for their unruliness.

٥. عاش غريباً بينها وقد قضى
بسيف أشقاها على اعترابه

6. They had spilled the blood on the night of Al-Qadr,
Its blood spilled with its outpouring.

٦. لقد أراقوا ليلة القدر دماً
دماؤُها انصببن بانصبابه

7. The soul descended and met his soul,
Ascending in yearning towards its reward.

٧. تنزَّلُ الرّوح فوافى روحَه
صاعدةً شوقاً إلى ثوابه

8. So the angels clamored with clamor therein,
The universe shuddered in its dread.

٨. فضجَّ والأملاك فيها ضجَّةً
منها اقشعرَّ الكونُ في إهابه

9. And peace turned to the dawn through it,
Yearning over its affliction.

٩. وانقلب السلامُ للفجر بها
للحشر إعوالاً على مُصابه

10. Allah's soul was more worthy of the soul of Ahmad,
Than the soul of each believer or non-believer.

١٠. الله نفسُ أحمدٍ من قد غدا
من نفس كلِّ مؤمنٍ أولى به

11. Ibn Muljam - may his face be covered in blood,
Assassinated him while he was in his shrine.

١١. غادرهُ ابنُ ملجمٍ ووجههُ
مُخضَّبٌ بالدم في محرابه

12. A face - may Allah disfigure it,
In a masjid that was built from its soil.

١٢. وجهٌ لوجه الله كم عفَّره
في مسجدٍ كان أبا ترابِه

13. So the face of the faith turned yellow due to grief,
And the faith was dyed red from its wounds.

١٣. فاغبرَّ وجه الدين لاصفراره
وخُضِّب الإيمان لاختضابه

14. And they claim - wherever they sought his blood -
That their fasts have increased in reward.

١٤. ويزعمُون حيثُ طلوا دمهُ
في صومهم قد زيد في ثوابه

15. Yet the fast calls out every year crying,
"They spilled my blood on their clothes!"

١٥. والصومُ يدعو كلَّ عامٍ صارخاً
قد نضحوا دَمي على ثيابه

16. Obedience that killed those who would not have had,
The obedience of mortals accepted except through him.

١٦. إطاعةٌ قتلُهم مَن لم يكن
تُقبلُ طاعاتُ الورى إلاَّ به

17. You killed the prayer in its sanctuary,
O you who killed him while he was in his shrine.

١٧. قتلتُم الصلاة في محرابها
يا قاتليه وهو في محرابه

18. And the head of justice was split by your tyranny,
Ever since you split his head during his prayers.

١٨. وشقَّ رأس العدل سفُ جوركم
مُذ شقَّ منه الرأس في ذبابه

19. So let Jibril weep for him and lament,
In the highest assembly over his affliction.

١٩. فليبك جبريلُ له ولينتحب
في الملأ الأعلى على مُصابه

20. Verily he wept and the rain from his weeping,
Laments while the thunder wails over his loss.

٢٠. نعم بكى والغيثُ من بُكائه
ينحبُ والرعدُ من انتحابه

21. Dispatching with a screech, and nothing but,
Calling out the Mahdi in his mourning.

٢١. منتدباً في صرخةٍ وإنَّما
يستصرخ المهديّ في انتدابه

22. O you who are veiled from his supporters,
And the remover of blindness over their covering.

٢٢. يا أيها المحجوبُ عن شيعته
وكاشف الغُمّى على احتجابه

23. How long will the sword remain sheathed
While the necks of the people of truth are outstretched?

٢٣. كم تغمد السيف لقد تقطَّعت
رقابُ أهلِ الحقّ في ارتقابه

24. So rise for them, for none but you remain for them,
The patient have tired from drinking their cup.

٢٤. فانهض لها فليس إلاَّك لها
قد سئم الصابرُ جرع صابه

25. And seek out your father Al-Murtaza from those who,
Turned away from him upon their heels.

٢٥. واطلُب أباك المرتضى ممَّن غدا
مُنقلباً عنهُ على أَعقابه

26. For he is the Book of Allah, lost between them,
So ask by Allah's command about His Book.

٢٦. فهو كتاب الله ضاع بينهم
فاسأل بأمر الله عن كتابه

27. And say - but with an eloquent tongue -
And make the blood of the people your answer.

٢٧. وقل ولكن بلسان مُرهفٍ
واجعل دماء القوم في جوابه

28. O group of atheists! Where is the one who passed away
Aspiring, while you were in your heedlessness?

٢٨. يا عُصبة الإلحاد أين من قضى
مُحتسباً وكنتِ في احتسابه

29. Where is the Leader of the Faithful? Or have you not,
Had your fill after stealing him?

٢٩. أين أمير المؤمنين أوما
عن قتله اكتفيت في اغتصابه

30. By Allah! However much anger you drank,
After the Prophet from his companions!

٣٠. لله كم جُرعة غيظٍ ساغها
بعد نبيّ الله من أَصحابه

31. And if it were distributed over the world,
It would illuminate the world with its drinking.

٣١. وهي على العالمِ لو توزَّعت
أشرقت العالمَ في شرابه

32. So convey to Ahmad the weight of Ahmad's loss,
And say: "O best of those called Ahmad!"

٣٢. فابغَ إلى أحمدَ ثقل أحمدٍ
وقُل له يا خير مَن يُدعى به

33. "Verily the misguided have turned away to hypocrisy,
Revealing after you their masks.

٣٣. إنَّ الأُلى على النفاقِ مَرَدوا
قد كشفوا بَعدك عن نِقابِه

34. And they made the pasture of guidance easy prey,
For the wolves between the lurking places.

٣٤. وصيَّروا سَرح الهُدى فريسةً
للغيِّ بين الطلسِ من ذِيابه

35. And they abandoned the right of your brother as fodder,
For falsehood to gnaw in its fangs."

٣٥. وغادروا حقَّ أخيك مُضغةً
يلوكها الباطلُ في أنيابِه

36. "While the shepherd of their slander milks
The udder of tyranny's milk in its teats."

٣٦. وظلَّ راعي إفكهم يحلبُ مِن
ضرع لبون الجور في وطابه

37. "So this nation has fallen into ignorance,
Losing the path of truth in its valleys."

٣٧. فالأمَّةُ اليومَ غدت في مَجهلٍ
ضلَّت طريقَ الحقِّ في شعابه

38. "They have returned it after you to pre-Islamic ignorance,
Since they killed the Guide by whom it is guided."

٣٨. عادوا بها بَعدك جاهليَّةً
مذ قتلوا الهادي الذي تُهدى به

39. "No lineage in Quraish branched out,
Except it entered into the purest of its seed."

٣٩. لم يتشعَّب في قريش نسبٌ
إلاَّ غَدا في المحضِ مِن لُبابه

40. "Until you came, so the revelation entered,
Into its account and reckoning."

٤٠. حتَّى أتيت فأَتى في حسبٍ
قد دخلَ التنزيلُ في حسابه

41. "So what an immense misguidance after it,
Wherein the ages are not praised for their probity!"

٤١. فيا لها غَلطةُ دهرٍ بعدها
لا يَحمدُ الدهر على صوابِه

42. "It went with them to successors, so its heads,
Now follow what used to be their tails."

٤٢. مشى إلى خُلفٍ بها فأصبحت
أَرؤُسهُ تتبع من أَذنابِه

43. "It was not enough that he showed us misguidance,
With his guidance rising above the hills."

٤٣. وما كفاهُ أن أرانا ضِلَّة
وِهادهُ تعلو على هِضابه

44. "Until he showed us its wolf preying upon us,
Between the pitch dark night and its forest."

٤٤. حتَّى أرانا ذئبَه مُفترساً
بين الشبولِ لَيثه في غابِه

45. "This is the Leader of the Faithful after he had,
Forced them towards the faith with his strikes."

٤٥. هذا أَميرُ المؤمنين بعدما
ألجأهم للدين في ضِرابه

46. "And guided the formidable of their elite,
With his swords that the youths kindly faced."

٤٦. وقادَ من عُتاتِهم مَصاعباً
ما أسمَحت لولا شبا قِرضابه

47. "He endured the komriyya (type of thorn trees) until their nights,
Became intimate to him despite their strangeness."

٤٧. قد أَلفَ الهيجاءَ حتَّى ليلها
أغرابه يأنس في عُقابه

48. "He walked towards them while going,
More passionate than when returning."

٤٨. يمشي إليها وهوَ في ذِهابِه
أشدُّ شوقاً منه في إيابه

49. "Like a lion cub in its pounce, or a sword in its slash,
Or kin in its compassion."

٤٩. كالشبلِ في وثبتهِ والسيفُ في
هبَّته والصلُّ في انسيابه

50. "One who - if his eyes glanced upon -
In peril, would flee from its intimidation."

٥٠. أرادهُ مَن لو لحَظته عينهُ
في مأزقٍ لفرَّ من إرهابه

51. "And he passed through the crowds fleeing,
Wishing to exit from its awe."

٥١. ومرَّ من بين الجموعِ هارباً
يَودُّ أن يَخرجَ من إهابِه

52. "By my life! If he wished, he would not have attained,
What the most wretched of people attained in their shelter."

٥٢. وهوَ لعمري لو يشاءُ لَم ينَل
ما نال أشقى القوم في آرابه

53. "But he went submitting and aspiring,
And all good lies in aspiration."

٥٣. لكن غدا مُسلِّماً مُحتسِباً
والخير كلّ الخير في احتسابه

54. "May Allah send prayers upon him from an oppressor,
Who has angered The Most Merciful by his theft."

٥٤. صلَّى عليه الله من مضطهدٍ
قد أغضبوا الرحمن في اغتصابِه