
I quenched you, O highest abode, with its obedience,

سقتك يا ربع العلى عهادها

1. I quenched you, O highest abode, with its obedience,
And the light of glad tidings that I unleashed its treasures,

١. سقتكَ يا ربعَ العُلى عهادَها
وطفاءُ بشرٍ أطلقت مزادَها

2. It shines for glory through it with lightning bolts,
That provoke in the heart of the enemy its flints.

٢. تلمع للزهو بها بوارقٌ
تقدحُ في قلب العِدى زنادَها

3. A gentle breeze caressed you,
Guiding it to protect you and leading it,

٣. لاطفها فيك نسيمٌ أَرِجٌ
إلى حماكَ ساقها وقادَها

4. So it clothed you with its flowers and grew
Between the eyelids of the enemy its eyeliner.

٤. فألبستك زهرها وأنبتت
ما بين أجفان العدى قتادَها

5. And it brought out from you, for the eyes of all,
A garden, the light of joy flowing through it.

٥. وأبرزت منك لأحداق الورى
حديقةً نوءُ السرور جادَها

6. O leader of joys in the abode of the Most High,
Your soul has proven true in aspiring to reach it.

٦. يا رائد الأفراح في دار العُلى
قد صدقتك نفسُك ارتيادَها

7. Wake up early heading towards it, and sip its meadows
As you desired, and pluck its roses,

٧. باكر مُناك وارتشف رياضها
كما اشتهيت واقتطف أورادَها

8. And rouse the leader of Hashim,
The best of those who ruled it and presided over it.

٨. وحيّ في الدست زعيمَ هاشمٍ
وخيرَ من سادت به وسادَها

9. Al-Qa'im Al-Mahdi, the most just of those
Whose leadership of the religion it acclaimed and crowned.

٩. القائمَ المهديّ أقضى من ثنت
رياسةُ الدين له وِسادَها

10. And say, not caring about the anger of souls
Who neglected its guidance and blocked its path.

١٠. وقُل ولا تحفل بغيظ أنفسٍ
قد تركت لغيِّها رشادَها

11. The scholars of the earth are but a man
Whom God has combined all their individuals.

١١. ما علماءُ الأرض إلاَّ رجلٌ
قد جمع الله به آحادَها

12. An ocean of sweet knowledge whose springs
All the virtuous became frequent visitors.

١٢. لجّة علمٍ عذُبت موارداً
كلّ ذوي الفضل غدت ورَّادَها

13. A garden, if God uncovered the veil,
You would see the angels of heaven as its visitors.

١٣. وروضةٌ لو كشف الله الغطا
رأيت أملاك السما روَّادَها

14. The most knowledgeable of them about God, rather the best guide
To that which He of His creation intended.

١٤. أعلمهم بالله بل أدلّهم
على التي من خلقه أَرادَها

15. Defending the faith whenever a gap was corrupted
That they did not guarantee to protect.

١٥. حامى عن الدين فسدَّ ثغرةً
ما ضمنوا عنه له انسدادَها

16. So he drew swords to reform it.
The swords did their work, sheathing their blades.

١٦. فاستلَّها صوارماً فواعلاً
فعل السيوف ثكلت أَغمادَها

17. Kindling fire in the dark for the towns,
And give him good tidings, its flames igniting.

١٧. الموقدُ النارَ عشيًّا للقرى
وبِشره يتقد اتقادَها

18. The permitter of provision, his grandfather
Was provision for the riders of the desolate plains.

١٨. والمرخصُ الزادَ وكان جدّه
لراكبي ظهرَ الفلاة زادَها

19. His eyelids competed with the stars of the sky
In their light, and prided in their number.

١٩. قد فاخرت جفانهُ شهبَ السما
بضوئها وكاثرت عِدادَها

20. Rejoice! The darkness is illuminated with joy
That reached the Most High in that which it desired.

٢٠. بُشراك وضَّاحَ الدجى بفرحةٍ
قد بلغت فيها العُلى مرادَها

21. The confines of night are removed for a morn
That the hands of bliss have woven its tapestries.

٢١. حلَّت نطاق الليل عن صبيحةٍ
قد نسجت أيدي الهنا أبرادَها

22. If the Arabs of Islam raced their steeds in its beauty
They would belittle their festivals.

٢٢. لو عربُ الإِسلامِ باهت فرسه
بحسنها لاستحقرت أَعيادَها

23. You are the one whom God has commissioned
To tie the bonds of guidance and solidify its connection.

٢٣. أنت الذي قد عقد الله به
عُرى الهدى وأحكم انعقادَها

24. Through you, Hashim prepared for its glory
One who spreads the glories of God.

٢٤. منك أعدَّت هاشمٌ لمجدها
مَن نشر الله به أَمجادَها

25. So through you, few became proud,
And through your sons, many became envious.

٢٥. فقلّلت فيك مريدي فخرها
وفي بنيك كثَّرت حسَّادَها

26. Sons of glory who grew up as clouds
That God watered His creation through its rain.

٢٦. أَبناء مجدٍ نشأوا سحائباً
سقى الإِلهُ خلقه عهادَها

27. The ten of them, all are forbearance,
The world suckled its children through them.

٢٧. أَنملُها العشرُ جميعاً حُلَمٌ
أَرضعت الدنيا بها أَولادَها

28. Pure efforts, while the efforts of others
Are white and yellow, sifted and sorted.

٢٨. بيض المساعي ومساعي غيرهم
بيضٌ وصفرٌ أَحسنوا انتقادَها

29. No pillar among all nations was founded
Except each of them restored it.

٢٩. لم تبتدئ بين الورى أكرومةٌ
إلاَّ وكلٌّ منهم أعادَها

30. They held together the pearls of supremacy, and were first
To raise each of them as its pillar.

٣٠. عقدت أطناب العُلى وابتدروا
يرفع كلٌّ منهم عمادَها

31. While others demolish the heights reached
By their fathers who built them before.

٣١. وغيرهم يهدم علياه التي
سعى أَبوه قبله فشادَها

32. A people, if a son of glory matured among them,
Supremacy yielded its leadership to his palms.

٣٢. قومٌ إذا شبَّ ابنُ مجدٍ منهم
أَلقت لكفّيه العلى قيادَها

33. Or they married him to a sister of nobility,
Whose charm recalls its birth.

٣٣. أَو زوَّجوه فبأخت شرفٍ
يحكي طريفُ مجدِها تِلادَها

34. If the heights did not find his equal,
They would not be pleased except in his solitude.

٣٤. لو لم تجد منه المعالي كفوَها
لم ترضَ إلاَّ في الخِبا انفرادَها

35. O you who aspires through his father to their plateau,
While his own soul has settled and calmed.

٣٥. يا من يرومُ بأبيه هضبهم
ونفسه قد سكنت وهادَها

36. Behind you, and pride is a fire that is gone
With its light, leaving its ashes.

٣٦. خلفك والفخر بنار ذهبت
بضوئها وخلَّفت رمادَها

37. O sons of loftiness, preserve it chaste
A maiden who has refined you with her affection.

٣٧. بني العُلى دونكموها غادةً
عذراءَ قد أَصفتكم ودادَها

38. You have attained through it such virtue, I only sung its praises,
And Gabriel gained more of it and took it back.

٣٨. جلَّت بكم قدراً فما أَنشدتُها
إلاَّ ازدهت جبريل فاستعادَها